The Secret First Lady: The Naked Truth

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Book: The Secret First Lady: The Naked Truth by Rose Bush Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rose Bush
entertainer wanting to invest 1.5 million dollars with Rachel’s firm. She skimmed over the attached business proposal. She learned a long time ago that each investment was almost like putting one’s earnings into a Vegas slot machine and hoping for the best. Luckily for her, she never had to tell a single client that their money had been gambled away.
                  She pressed the intercom button and phoned her receptionist. “Bridget, please schedule a meeting with Clyde Anderson. Preferably, next week if I have any openings.
                  “Yes, Ms. Jones,” Bridget said as she opened up her Rachel weekly planner.
                  “Thank you. Also could you call Aloma from accounting and Shawna in HR and schedule all four of us, to include yourself, for an afternoon outing for next week Friday?”
                  “I certainly will,” Bridget smiled as she disconnected from Rachel. In a few months she would be graduating with her MBA and joining Aloma in the accounting department. Rachel didn’t believe in fraternization in the workplace, but since she moved to Atlanta, the four of them developed a special bond. They were all classy and professional women at the firm.  None of the other staff knew how tight they really were. At least once a month, Rachel cleared her schedule and the bunch went out for lunch and a spa treatment.
                  She leaned back in her leather office chair and jotted down a few mental notes to discuss with Martin over lunch. She wanted to bring Leah into RTJ Inc. as his assistant. She thought it was best to put Leah in a completely different area, being that they already shared the same living space.
                  Rachel’s cell phone vibrated disrupting her from her thoughts.   She studied the number; it was her house so she knew either Leah or Christina were on other end.
                  “Yes?” Rachel answered.
                  “Hey, Rach, this is Leah!” Her screechy voice nearly pierced Rachel’s eardrum.
                  “What’s up, Chic?”
                  “Nothing much, just finished dusting. The kids are all cleaned up and fed so I’ll take them to the park in about an hour.” Leah announced as if she was doing extraordinary motherly duties outside of the norm.
                  “Sounds like fun.” Rachel responded dryly.
                  “Well, it sounds like you’re busy so I’ll get straight to the point. The private investigator called and wanted me to stop by his office. He thinks he may have a lead on my mother’s whereabouts.”
                  “Oh that’s great, Leah!” She tried to sound a little more enthused. “You can use the car to meet him when I get home. I have a lunch meeting today with one of my senior executives to discuss a possible position for you.”
                  “Thank you so much, Rachel. I’ll see you soon. Oh, by the way, Curtis called earlier. He’s not too happy with me being here with you. Girl, he had some names for both of us!” Leah laughed out as she called out some of the four and five letter words Curtis used to describe the mothers of his children.
                  “I don’t give a damn about Curtis or his thoughts! He doesn’t have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out! Let me get off this phone and get some work done.” Rachel shook her head and pulled a new client file from her inbox.
                  She created a few power point presentations for her upcoming meetings later on in the week and replied to a few emails. Just as she was logging off her computer for lunch, Bridget stuck her head in the door.
                  “Do you want to share these with me, Ms. Jones?” Bridget asked referring to the edible arrangements she was carrying into Rachel’s

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