The Secret First Lady: The Naked Truth

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Book: The Secret First Lady: The Naked Truth by Rose Bush Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rose Bush
face as best as she could. As odd as it seemed, her old rival was beginning to care about her. Rachel wanted Leah to succeed and she also wanted for her children to have a good life.
                  “Leah, if you want to find a place right now; I’ll help you. But you don’t have to rush. I’m actually enjoying you and the kids being with us.”
                  Leah smiled. She wasn’t quite ready to be on her own in Atlanta. She wanted to stay at least until she found her mother and saved enough money. Rachel decided to let her work as a receptionist for one of the mangers at her firm. It was going to be a great experience for her, being that she never had a real job.
    Chapter Twelve: Bad News, Good News
                  “Oh No! Is he going to be okay?” Rachel exclaimed through the phone. She rested her hand across her forehead.  She sat at her desk at her Midtown firm. Her office was spacious and decorated with rare African art.
                  “The doctor said the cancer has spread and his kidneys are failing rapidly. There’s really nothing you can do as of right now, but pray.”
                  “Mom, how could you keep this from me? I had no idea Dad was even sick,” Rachel tried to fight back tears as she lifted her head to the ceiling. “He appeared to be in good health when I was last there.”
                  “Sweetie, your dad kept it from all of us. He’s actually in good spirits. Had I not heard it from the doctor with my own ears, I wouldn’t believe it.”
                  “Daddy’s always been a warhorse. I know he’s not going to accept defeat. I’ll try to get a flight out next week.”
                  “No, that’s not necessary, Rachel, darling. I know you want to be here, but the kids start school next week and you have your crazy living arrangement to worry about. If his condition worsens, I promise I will call you.”
                  Rachel sucked her teeth and reluctantly agreed with her mother, before hanging up with her mother. She took a deep breath and stared at the large tree seated outside of her office window.
                  Martin Hamilton, one of the executives at Rachel’s firm, popped his head into her office to give a morning salutation. He was tall, muscular with blue eyes and tanned skin. “Top of the morning, Ms. Jones.” His accent sent chills up Rachel’s spine; but she would never openly admit that to him.
                  “Martin, how many times have I told you to call me Rachel? Good morning to you. How was your weekend?”
                  “Not too bad; but on the other hand not long enough. Well, I just wanted to say hello. Enjoy your day, ma’am.” He sipped his coffee and turned to walk down the hall.
                  Talking to him almost helped Rachel slip out of the funk she was in after hearing about her father’s illness. “Uh, Martin?” Rachel called after him.
                  “Yes, ma’am?” He said walking back to the entrance of her office.
                  “Oh, will you stop with the formalness already? Let’s do lunch today?” Rachel asked.
                  “Sounds good, Rachel.” He smiled as he glided down the hall. He felt as though he just won a million bucks, even though it was a business lunch and knew with Rachel, it would probably be a working lunch.
                  Rachel’s receptionist and other employees of RTJ Incorporated often joked about Martin having a crush on her. Rachel just brushed the comments off and kept it strictly business. Martin was single, successful, and had no children, but Rachel kept it strictly professional.
                  She scrolled through her emails and clicked on a message from Clyde Anderson; a local

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