Sweet Justice

Free Sweet Justice by Vanessa Vale

Book: Sweet Justice by Vanessa Vale Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vanessa Vale
take her in the tall grasses as we let the horses drink from a nearby creek. I'd fought the urge to pull her toward me as we rode side by side to kiss her. I'd struggled to just...wait.
    The sky was a mixture of clouds and sun, making the air cooler than the day before. We were alone on the vast prairie, the sound of the wind blowing through the tall grass the only sound. "Tonight I will search the brothels for Miss Carter."
    Her posture stiffened even more. How she could ride in that confounded corset and breathe was beyond me. "Do you really need to go to another brothel?"
    My eyebrows went up beneath my hat. "Oh? Don't trust me, sweetheart?"
    She turned to look at me, her face shadowed beneath her bonnet. "We barely know each other."
    I grinned. "I know what color your nipples are. I know what you sound like when you come. I know how tight your pussy is. I know what you taste like."
    She flushed prettily. "That is not what I meant and you know it," she replied primly. "How would you feel if I went into a saloon to find a man that was wanted?"
    My jaw clenched and my eyes narrowed. The very idea had me furious and livid. "Don't even think about it, sweetheart." This time the endearment was laced with a little warning.
    She held up one hand. "It was just an example. Now you know how I feel about you going in a place like that. The women there, they expect...things."
    "They do. I told you last night, I'm only going to be giving those...things to you."
    She shook her head. "It doesn't matter. What happens if they force you?"
    I laughed, rich and loud. "Force me?"
    She pursed her lips and realized her question was a tad ridiculous.
    "I do not like it," she said simply.
    That statement gave me pause, for it had more weight than anything else she'd said. "I want to bring the woman to justice, Piper. I want to bring closure to the entire case, to let those who were murdered rest in peace. Hey," I said, getting her to look at me. "Your possessiveness is very appealing. I like that it bothers you."
    She frowned. "I should just go in there for you."
    I pulled on the reins of my horse and stopped. She had to turn around so we could continue our conversation, this time facing each other. "What the hell do you mean by that?"
    "You're a man. A bounty hunter. What woman is going to give information to you?"
    "A woman who wants money."
    She shook her head. "If Miss Carter is there, she's not going to just let you take her. If you go around and ask questions she'll get suspicious, or even learn you're there to arrest her and flee."
    "I can handle one woman," I countered. Her words had my manliness in jeopardy. Besides, my ire at Miss Carter was enough where I could certainly handle her.
    "It would be easier if I did it for you."
    "How?" I had an idea of what she was going to say, but I wanted to be sure before I made conclusions.
    "I will go in seeking a job as a prostitute."
    I laughed, but this time her words weren't overly humorous. "You just fucked for the first time last night. I don't think you'll be mistaken for a whore."
    She shook her head. "Doesn't matter. I can easily play a woman fallen on hard times. A virgin, or almost virgin. I should fetch a fair price."
    I didn't want to think about the men circling around her eager to get their hands, and other parts of their anatomy, on her.
    I spurred my horse into movement.
    "Why not?" she called from behind me.
    "Because I'm your husband, and I forbid it." I wasn't thinking logically. If it were anyone else, the plan had merit, but I couldn't let Piper into a place like that, with men like that, expecting her to fuck or do other dark things. No way in fucking hell.
    "You thought I was guilty of murder just the other day and now you're protecting me?" She trotted her horse up next to mine.
    "You were innocent of the crime and I'm protecting you because you're my wife. You're mine. When you showed up in Ethel's room last night you chose to be mine. I didn't make you. It was your

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