
Free MissionMenage by Cynthia Sax

Book: MissionMenage by Cynthia Sax Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cynthia Sax
open the
gap, invading her mouth, twisting and twining his tongue around hers, his
flavor of meat, man and spice, cleansing the lingering aftertaste left by his
hard usage. He caressed her neck with warm human hands, his weight pushing her
further into Sexy’s motionless body, the android’s hard cock fitting between
her ass cheeks, ready to be reactivated at any moment.
    On another evening, she would have suggested the android
fuck her ass, while Vegas played with her pussy, but not tonight, not with her
human lover moaning into her mouth, a low, deep, hurtful sound communicating
his distress, extending a plea for comfort she couldn’t ignore. As Vegas kissed
her, Raylee rubbed circles into his shoulders, his muscles tight and strained
under her palms, a physical revelation of the price he paid for his graphic
    He did it because he loves me, as I love him. Raylee
arched toward him, rubbing her nipples against his defined chest. He
protects me and I, in turn, will protect him, always. She gripped him
tighter to her.
    Vegas pulled back, a half smile on his rugged face. “So
beautiful.” He grazed his thumb over her bottom lip and she caught that
wandering thumb, sucking it into her mouth, licking the salt off his skin. “Yet
such a source of trouble.” His blue eyes glinted with the remnants of his
    She reluctantly released his thumb. “I’ll be careful,” she
repeated. “I won’t let the Balazoid warriors anger me again. I promise. I won’t
risk your life just so I can tell them what a bunch of male chauvinistic asses
they are. And they are, you know, Vegas. Looking at me like I’m a piece of
meat. I—”
    “You were saying something about not letting them anger you
again?” Vegas raised his eyebrows. He rested his hands on her shoulders, his
fingers spread reassuringly over her skin.
    “I won’t,” Raylee promised sheepishly. “I can control my
temper.” I hope.
    “You’d better.” He brushed his mouth over hers and cupped
her small breasts, squeezing gently, his fingertips coarse on her soft flesh.
“Because the Balazoids are unworthy of these.” He dragged his mouth down her
throat, over her collarbone, hovering above her slight curves. “I’m unworthy of
these.” He swiped his tongue back and forth, back and forth, close enough to
send shivers of sensation to her sensitive nipples, yet too far to ease their
    Raylee pushed her chest upward, greedy for more. “The Balazoids
wouldn’t know what to do with them.”
    “I know what to do.” Vegas skimmed his thumbs over her
nipples and she cried out, her pleasure intensified by the brevity of his
    He smiled knowingly as he grazed her side with his rough
fingers. “You were made for my hands, Raylee.” He swept the flat of his tongue
around her breasts, circling first one and then the other, teasing her into a
frenzy. “You were made for my mouth.” She kicked when he fastened his lips over
her right nipple, sucking her flesh into his hot mouth, laving her taut peak
with his wicked tongue.
    “Vegas.” He’s right. I’m made for his hands, his mouth. She held his head to her as he suckled noisily at her breast, pulling at her
soul with each gulp. She threaded her fingers through his ink-black hair and
caressed his scalp, moaning her encouragement, his tugs cascading down her body
to swirl in her pussy. “Please,” she pleaded for more.
    He said nothing, his chin rubbing a trail of awareness
across her skin, his mouth searching out and finding her left breast. “Yes.”
She clutched him, pushing that neglected breast into his loving mouth. “Feed on
me, Vegas. Devour me.”
    He licked and slurped and sucked until her skin was red and
tender, her nipples elongated with the suction, her ass twitching with the itch
in her pussy. With each wiggle and squirm, her puckered asshole rubbed against
her android’s broad cock head, reminding her that she lay between two hard
males, both willing and able to fuck

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