Shattered Rose

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Book: Shattered Rose by T L Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: T L Gray
body. “You have to calm down!” I told myself sternly. “Breathe in and out, in and out. You can do this.”
    I had managed to pull myself together enough to make it back to my table where Issy was dramatically telling a story about the time she went skydiving, and her parachute got jammed. Danny hung on her every word. Normally, I’d be mesmerized too, but all I could do was tell myself, on repeat, not to turn around and stare. It was a good fifteen minutes later before Issy noticed Jake and started eyeballing me.
    “You ok?” she asked, appearing genuinely concerned.
    “Oh course, why wouldn’t I be?” I lied with every ounce of conviction I could muster. I still didn’t know what was safe with her.
    “No reason.” She paused for a moment, but continued to try and read my thoughts. “You want to go say hi to Jake?”
    “I thought you still weren’t speaking to him?”
    “Well, making up with you has been such a success tonight, I figure why stop there.” She kept watching for my reaction with catlike intensity.
    I started to feel uncomfortable under the scrutiny and squared my shoulders. “Sure,” I said as if I didn’t have a care in the world. 
    Issy made her way through the crowd with determination, pulling me along beside her. I had to play it cool. I had to keep myself under control. Coping had never been my strongest skill. In fact, I downright stunk at it. Running and well, the other thing, were all that had ever worked to take away my anxiety when it came. But tonight I would have to find a way.  As soon as Issy got to the table, she jumped on Jake’s lap and hugged him tight. “I forgive you,” she announced, her eyes dancing with amusement.
    “Really,” he mused, “and to what do I owe this honor?” He was bantering, but I could see him relax immediately. I tried not to stare, but he looked so sleek and handsome in his pin stripped shirt and jeans that I could feel the jealousy burning inside of me.
    “Well, it’s been lonely without my big, bad protector. And honestly, it’s not nearly as fun when you don’t have someone to tick off.” Then, as if seeing her for the first time, Issy turned to the redhead and said, “Hi, I’m Issy, nice to meet you.”
    The girl had a thick southern accent and responded, “I’m Rebecca, Jake’s friend. You must be his spunky little cousin I’ve been hearing so much about.” Her hand was rubbing his thigh, and I felt my stomach clench.
    “This is my roommate, Avery,” she said as she stood up.
    I simply gave a small wave and a fake smile. My voice had failed me , and I feared my knees would follow if I did much more. Jake refused to make eye contact with me, but other than that, he seemed completely unaffected by this little meeting.
    “Well, we have more dancing to do and definitely more shots to drink, so you cats have fun. Jake, don’t you dare start lecturing me until at least 2:00 a.m. That is a perfectly acceptable time for a Thursday night.” He smiled and saluted his cousin, sending a wink her way. In all the time I’d known Issy, I’d never once envied her…until that moment.
    I leaned into her as w e walked away. “I think I’m ready for a little of that two for one action now.” She just smiled and made a beeline to the bar. I slammed them both down without a thought, wincing at the burn in my throat, but hoping they would miraculously make everything better. They just made it worse.
    We joined Danny and Aaron again, but as much as I tried to feel better, I couldn’t. Even Aaron’s crude comments and “accidental” grazes did nothing to improve my mood.
    I looked over at the table where Jake was sitting, but they were gone, and so was my resolve.  I pretended that I was so drunk, I had to get home before I got sick, begging Issy to leave. I doubt she bought it, but to her credit, she took me home anyway. Turns out, Issy was a pretty good friend after all.
    The shower did little to drown my tears as I tried to scrub

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