Miranda's Dilemma

Free Miranda's Dilemma by Natasha Blackthorne

Book: Miranda's Dilemma by Natasha Blackthorne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Natasha Blackthorne
low. “The Duke of Froster gives his regrets, but urgent business calls him back to London.”
    Emotion surged through Adrian.
    He did not want to name it.
    But he knew what it was all the same.
    And something more. Something he absolutely refused to name.
    He controlled his expression and nodded to the servant. “Tell him I bid him Godspeed on his journey.”
    The servant nodded then backed away and left.
    Adrian attempted to return his attention to the game, but that unnamed emotion kept surging within him. And he couldn’t stop thinking about her.
    Up there.
    Froster was gone.
    What the devil did that matter? Adrian had no intention of stepping into Froster’s vacated chair.
    A touch on his arm drew his attention to his side. Miss Garret was gazing up at him, her eyes like warm chocolate. “What’s troubling you so, my lord? Did you draw a bad hand?”
    “A bad hand?” he asked.
    She caressed his arm. “You are frowning so.”
    “Am I?” he asked, appalled at his lack of composure.
    Who else had noticed?
    “You seem very tense.,” The woman trailed her caress up his arm. “You should take me and Vanessa upstairs, just for a while.” She nodded at the cards he held. “Your game will wait.”
    He glanced at her, forced himself to actually see her.
    She and Miss Caster had been coming to these parties forever, and he had never allowed himself to look too closely at her or notice her as a beddable woman.
    Now he let his eyes caress her, slowly and warmly.
    She was a pretty girl.
    “The cards will wait.” Her practiced voice washed over him soft, seductive as  velvet.
    “Will they, sweeting?” he asked, hearing his own voice become a shade more intimate.
    “Indeed, they will.” She laid her hand on his leg.
    He stared down at her white glove, the stark contrast with his dark evening clothes. He had never before  allowed her such a liberty. He did not consort with these courtesans.
    Was he really considering breaking his own rule? Would he really take a courtesan to his bed?
    He watched, strangely detached, as her hand trailed up his thigh.
    His cock swelled into life, willing and eager.
    But where was his censoring mind to call a halt to this foolishness?
    His mind was still preoccupied with Miss Jones, wondering, tormenting him with images of those liberties she might have allowed Froster.
    Yet, perhaps the cure to a fascination with one courtesan was simply to take another and have his fill.
    Miss Garret’s hand closed over him.
    He caught his breath.
    A soft laugh drew his attention to her other side.
    Miss Caster was smiling at him, her honey blonde curls bobbing as she scooted her chair closer.
    One courtesan might help abate his fascination with Miranda.
    Two would certainly cure it—
    “So what now? Danvers is out of the game?” Lord Holston asked, peevishly.
    “Yes, it would appear so,” Miss Garret said, her brown eyes sparkling up at Adrian.
    “Hmm,” Lord Holston said, looking even more peeved. After all, Miss Caster had been focusing her attentions on him.
    Adrian glanced back at the circle of players at the table. “I am out,” he said, tossing his cards to the table.
    One look at the shocked faces of the assembled gentlemen, and he turned back to Miss Garret. He stood and reached for her hand. “Come, sweeting.”
    She smiled, broadly then stood and let him lead her away to the nearest settee, placed in a discreet, dimly lit corner. She sat and took Adrian’s hand, drawing it to her breast.
    He dropped down beside her on the cushions and let his hand splay over the warm, velvet-covered globe.
    Miss Caster sat beside him, leaned over and put her slightly parted mouth to his cheek.
    He turned his head so that his mouth touched hers. The scent of lavender and roses wafted over him. A most cloying scent. He opened his mouth in welcome. Her tongue tasted of lemonade.
    He detested lemonade.
    He turned to Miss Garret and found her just as ready to share kisses.
    But she

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