Sidechick Chronicles
excitement or shock from the look of him.  He pulled me close and held me tighter than he’s ever held me before.  I was so happy.  God had answered my prayers.  We were finally going to be together.  I was finally getting my perfect family.
    I squeezed him back.
    I was smiling from ear to ear.
    Life was beautiful and I was ready to shout it to the world.

    A ryelle
    I couldn’t believe at 23, I had found the man of my dreams.  We were perfect for each other.  I had known him my whole life.  He had literally watched me become a woman.  I couldn’t imagine my life without him.  People had a tendency of making love out to be difficult and full of drama; not our love.
    It was different.
    We were different.
    Yes our love started out in peculiar way, but it was the way it was supposed to start.  We had made love in every corner of this room.  All evening it was me on top of him, him on top of me, sideways, backwards and forwards.  I was exhausted and so was he.  He was lying on my stomach, softly snoring.
    I loved when he laid there. 
    He looked so peaceful. 
    Almost like this was the only place he wanted to be.
    It made me think of how it would be when we had our first child.  I ran my hand across his head.  He had such a nice grade of hair.  It was a soft shade of black with sprinkles of gray.  I loved how the gray was peeking through.  It made him look distinguished and incredibly sexy.  The low cut style he had blended well with the beard he was growing.
    At first, I was against the beard.  I thought it made him look older.  Somehow it grew on me and I couldn’t keep my hands off him.  I looked at him and wondered how I got to be so lucky.  How this man chose me.  I was so fascinated by it, by him.  I was tired, yet I still wanted more.
    Somehow with him I was a sexual vixen.
    I was completely free.
    I rubbed my finger up and down slowly behind his ear.  It was his spot so I knew he would wake up.  He turned his head to face me.  He gave me that devilish look he would give right before he would ravish me.  We had already went a few rounds and I could see he was ready for another one.  Whoever said older men could not keep up did not know Laurence Bishop.  The man had stamina of a 20 year old and the experience of a grown man.  A perfect combination for excellent love making.
    He took his time to please me.
    His strokes were calculated.
    His kisses were passionate.
    He always left me wanting more.
    “I knew you weren’t going to let me sleep all night baby.”
    I looked at him and grinned.
    “No way, it’s your fault.  You set the bar high so you have to live up to it.  Now I believe there was a spot right here that you missed.”
    I pointed to a spot on my inner thigh.  It was a tease and a set up for me to be crawling up the wall.
    “Is that right?  Well I could’ve sworn I covered every inch of you.  Though it seems you feel I may have neglected a spot.  No problem, I can fix that.”
    He moved so that he could position himself properly.  He pulled me down and spread my legs apart slowly. I was becoming hot just from his touch.
    “Now this is your last time. Are you sure I missed this spot?  I’m giving you a chance to redeem yourself before it’s too late.”
    He was toying with me.
    He wanted me to beg for it.
    I wasn’t going to give in.
    “No need to try and back out mister. You missed a spot so I suggest you fix it.”
    I winked at him.
    It was all he needed to begin another round.  His lips were soft and warm against my inner thigh.  He moved up slowly as he made his way to my center. I moved his head in and out as his tongue circled my clit. I could not imagine life without this feeling. I could not imagine life without him making me feel this way.
    “Ohhh baby I love how you make me feel,” I moaned.

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