The Warning

Free The Warning by Davis Bunn

Book: The Warning by Davis Bunn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Davis Bunn
Tags: Ebook, book
    One hand raised to part the blinds, as though Alex felt the need to get a better look at one of his cars. “That I’ve got cancer.”
    Buddy was on his feet before he realized he had even moved. “Alex, oh, my God, tell me it’s not true.”
    â€œWish I could, little brother.” Alex angled his body away from Buddy’s approach so that his eyes were almost hidden from his brother. Almost, but not quite. “Went in for that checkup you and Molly have been on me about. Look where it got me.”
    Buddy reached out his hand, stopped just short of touching Alex. “What kind is it?”
    â€œI’ve forgotten the fancy name. In my lymph nodes.” He grimaced toward the window. “Haven’t been feeling myself lately. Nothing definite, just aches and pains now and then, here and there.”
    Alex had never been sick a day in his life. Just like his father. Buddy fought back a rising sense of nausea. He could not imagine a world without his brother. “Are they going to operate?”
    â€œCan’t. Wednesday they did one of those scans where they slide me inside a giant tin can, I can’t remember the word now.”
    â€œMRI scan.” And he had not been there. He had not even known. “Alex—”
    â€œThe stuff is everywhere, Buddy. Throat, under my arms, in my gut. Every lymph node has little bumps. They showed me.” He turned around now, and let Buddy see what was there in his eyes. “I’ve got another couple of tests, and then they start me on chemotherapy at the end of the week. It doesn’t look good.”
    Buddy did the only thing he could, which was to hide from the horror by taking his brother in his arms. Anything but stand there and see death’s shadow in those dark eyes.
    They held on for a long moment. When they finally released each other, neither could meet the other’s gaze. Alex walked back around his desk, snuffling and wiping his face on his sleeve. “You know what I was thinking while you were telling me your news?”
    â€œThat I wish there was something I could do to help.”
    The words felt like a stab to his heart. Buddy had to cover his eyes with one hand. “Oh, Alex. I feel like I’ve been the one to make you ill.”
    Alex huffed a short laugh. “What are you talking about now?”
    â€œI made a bargain with God.” The words were a moan. “I told him I’d go out there and warn the world if He gave me three signs. Molly would have to say she wanted to go public with me. You would have to offer to help out. And the entire church finance committee would hear me out this evening and say the message was real.”
    When his brother did not respond, Buddy looked up to find Alex grinning broadly. Alex asked, “Did Molly say she’d be there with you?”
    â€œRight after church.”
    Alex’s chest started shaking with silent laughter. “Sounds to me like you’ve done sunk your own ship.”
    â€œThis isn’t funny!” Buddy had to clamp down on his own case of shakes.
    â€œThen why are you laughing?”
    â€œI’m not. Well, maybe I am. It’s better than crying, I suppose. Of all the things you could tell me.”
    â€œYou don’t know which surprised you more, me getting sick or me wanting to help, am I right?”
    â€œHow can you be laughing about this?”
    â€œIt’s the way I’ve handled everything else in this crazy life.”
    â€œCrazy is right.” How on earth he could be laughing was utterly beyond him. “Alex—”
    â€œI want to help you, Buddy. I really do. I’ve been lying awake at night thinking things over. How you always said I wasted my life.”
    â€œIf there were any way to take back those words, I’d do it,” Buddy said vehemently. “I should’ve had my mouth washed out with lye.”
    â€œThe words were

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