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Book: Insolence by Lex Valentine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lex Valentine

    For a Friday night, the club seemed more quiet than usual.
Aric stood behind the bar filling a tray of glasses for designated drivers
while his head bartender Jamie leaned on the end of the bar talking to one of
the regulars. Ethan came in once a month and always selected one of the club’s
newest submissives, never the same one twice. He always consulted Jamie first
and had a known penchant for tall women. Currently, his gaze tracked the tallest
woman in the club. Aric’s woman.
    Despite the possessiveness that twisted inside him whenever
someone in the club stared at Ainsley, Aric had learned right away never to
publicly show the primitive emotions roused in him with regard to his wife. For
one thing, it was a waste of time. Ainsley had eyes for no one but him. For
another, she could take care of herself far better than he could care for her.
The woman wasn’t a security expert for nothing, something Jamie was busy
informing the Dominant at the end of the bar.
    “She’s Insolent’s new head of security. She also does
security consulting for a half dozen other clubs in the area. And she trains
movie stars in martial arts,” Jamie was saying.
    Ethan nodded, his gaze still glued on Ainsley as she chatted
with a Dungeon Monitor. “She sure doesn’t act like a sub,” he told the
bartender with a shake of his head. “If it weren’t for the collar, I’d never
have pegged her as one.”
    Jamie snorted. “She’s no submissive.”
    The Dominant’s head turned as he watched Ainsley move
through the crowd toward the bouncers at the entrance. “Then what’s with the
    Ethan’s interest in Ainsley made Aric seethe, but he knew
better than to unleash his jealousy. His wife never thanked him for a public
show of possession. He bit his tongue and let his employee do what he did best,
steer men away from Ainsley and match them with an appropriate submissive to
fulfill their needs.
    “The collar was an engagement gift from her husband.” Jamie
refilled Ethan’s glass with club soda and gave him a smug smile. “She’s married
to the owner of the club.”
    The Dominant’s eyebrows rose in surprise. “Newlyweds? Last I
heard Aric wasn’t married. His change in status seems rather sudden.”
    Jamie shrugged. “It’s not. They’ve known each other since
the first grade.”
    “And she’s not submissive.” Ethan rubbed his chin
thoughtfully as he continued to stare at Ainsley. “For a woman like her, I’d be
more than willing to forgo a lack of submissiveness.”
    “Don’t even think about it. Not only would Aric kick your
ass into next week, Ainsley would put a hurt on you like none you’ve ever felt
before. That woman is lethal,” Jamie warned the Dom.
    “Oh, I wouldn’t hit on her ,” Ethan said with a
grimace. “I don’t touch married women. But someone like her could be just what
I’m looking for.”
    Jamie eyed their regular customer with keen intelligence.
Aric barely hid a smirk as his employee moved in for the kill.
    “A woman like Ainsley isn’t made for scenes in a leather
club. She submits to Aric because she loves him, but her submission is
something private between the two of them and is based deep within their
commitment to each other. You don’t want that. You want a different woman every
time you come here. You aren’t looking for what a woman like Ainsley would have
to offer.”
    The Dom raised his head, his expression startled. “I’ve
collared subs before. I’m not afraid of commitment,” he protested.
    Jamie gave him a pitying look. “That’s not what I’m talking
about. When you’re ready to take on a woman like Ainsley you come back and see
me. Until then, I’ll just point you in the direction of the newest pain slut
the club has to offer.” He gestured toward a leggy blonde wearing only leather
cuffs on her ankles and wrists. “She’s not looking for a collar nor more than a
scene or two with a hot Dom. I think the two of you suit

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