Enchantress Awakening: Part One of the Book of Water (The Elemental Cycle 1)

Free Enchantress Awakening: Part One of the Book of Water (The Elemental Cycle 1) by J.W. Whitmarsh

Book: Enchantress Awakening: Part One of the Book of Water (The Elemental Cycle 1) by J.W. Whitmarsh Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.W. Whitmarsh
assassins were among them seeming to materialise from the darkness around the pillars or dropping soundlessly from the roof. Those who had run forward were butchered in moments; their attackers moving too swiftly to be struck with magic.
    Caleigh did not get to see the conclusion to this; instead she was moved to the Shrine of Lost Souls but not as she knew it, for in this vision it was whole and undamaged, a fine temple of white stone. There she saw Loreliath surrounded by five men in varying attire and bound by chains, fire, lightning and thick branches conjured from nowhere. Briefly she struggled, energy crackled through the stones shattering columns and bringing down the roof in several places. Then, falling on to her knees the ground beneath her opening sucking her downward until she was lost from sight and the now cracked floor sealed itself over her. 
    “Caleigh, can you hear me?” It was Dana’s voice. Caleigh opened her eyes and felt that they were wet and that her cheeks were hot. She looked around and quickly realised she was no longer in the bath but wrapped in sheets upon a bed, where Dana sat on the end leaning over her.
    “What happened?”
    “You were in the bath and you fell into some form of trance. Ellie had to drag you out and get you to bed. Nothing we did seemed able to wake you.”
    “It cannot have been long, though.”
    “You were like that for a good hour. We were very worried. How are you feeling now?”
    “I feel fine, a little tired perhaps. I’m sorry Dana, it must have been much worse from the outside than it was for me.”
    “Hush, what matters is that you’re well. Do you know what happened?”
    “Not as such. My mind was alive with images of what Loreliath described to me, I cannot remember it all and I do not think I took most of it in when it was happening either. It was like I was running through several events happening at once and could only catch glimpses on the way.”
    “Well, I claim no wisdom in this but it seems that you’ve been through much today. Rest now, we have much walking ahead of us tomorrow.”
    “Thank you, Dana, and thank Ellie for me.”
    “I will. See you shortly.”
    Soon after Dana left Caleigh drifted off to sleep but she did not sleep for long and was awake again when a knock came at her door. “Yes?”
    “It is Brother Adam, may I enter?”
    “Yes, come in.” Caleigh readjusted the sheets to protect her modesty then sat upright as the door opened. Adam immediately noticed the glimpse of bare shoulder and sent his gaze downward.
    “I heard that you were here and that you suffered some kind of seizure. How do feel?”
    “I am fine. I think I was just overcome with tiredness.”
    “Ah. Did you find what you sought at the shrine?” Brother Adam’s pale blue eyes met hers and slowly widened. An effect amplified by their largeness and his slightly narrow chin that meant all gazes were inevitably drawn upwards. “By the blessed light!” he exclaimed. “I think perchance you have seen something? Tell me, Caleigh, were you visited?”
    “I am not sure what you mean.”
    “Please, Caleigh, do not seek to befuddle me. I see it in your eyes and by the light that glows from within you. If you have received a revelation you must share it with the world.”
    “Why? Do you want her to be killed?” Caleigh had not noticed Dana enter but she had closed the door behind her. Brother Adam did not seem flustered; calmly he turned to address her.
    “I do not follow your meaning?”
    “You must know that the world is dangerous place for those who are special. I beg that whatever you think you have perceived here, you keep it to yourself.”
    “I understand your concerns but, please, be assured you are among friends here.” Adam turned back to Caleigh. “I know not what path has been set out for you yet wither it may go, my sword is yours should you seek it.”
    “Your sword? I thought this was a monastery.”
    “It certainly is. We are the

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