Rockin' the Boss

Free Rockin' the Boss by Jamie Salisbury

Book: Rockin' the Boss by Jamie Salisbury Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jamie Salisbury
claims true? That you have some sort of secret sex life.”
    Picking up his glass, he swirled the
contents before taking a drink. “Lisa’s claims are a lie. The only time I’ve
ever been in one of those clubs was when Richard demanded I show up.” He took
another swallow and grinned mischievously at me. “I certainly don’t need an
alternative lifestyle, love, when I have you.” He leaned over and kissed me
gently on the cheek.
    “I had to ask. Anything else I don’t
    “There’s only one other thing, and it’s part of the reason the feds want us to do this. I spent
a few years in the British Special Air Services. When my career was in a lull,
I decided to try something different and ended up in the SAS.” The sides of his
mouth twitched, and I assumed he was thinking about his stint in the elite
shit, Max! You’re full of surprises. One last question for tonight,
and then we’re going put an end to this subject. Exactly what kind of clubs are
    “Honestly, baby, I don’t know. The
few times he had me join him, we were in a private room. The only thing I saw
was scantily clad women when I was being taken to him. Nothing
out of the ordinary. But that could have been for show. I guess we’re
going to find out, huh?”
    “We’ll see. I haven’t made a
decision. I have a lot more questions for our friends before I commit myself.
Okay, enough of this, let’s get this mess taken care of so we can have the
evening to ourselves.”
    He helped carry the remnants of dinner
to the kitchen. Placing the dirty dishes on the counter, I shooed him out of
the room, insisting I didn’t need further help. “Go on, this will only take me a few
    When I walked back into the living
room, I noticed Max had turned some music on and dimmed the lights. He stood at
the window, looking out at the Manhattan skyline. I walked up behind him and
placed my arms around his waist. “Beautiful, isn’t it?”
    “Yes, yes it is, at least from up
here.” He took my hands and led me back to the couch. “Come, let’s sit for a
while. Would you like a brandy or wine?”
    “No, I think I’m fine. I want to be
clear-headed when we meet with these feds tomorrow. But I’ll go get some
sparkling water from the fridge. Would you like one?”
    “Yeah, that’s probably a better
choice. Hurry though.”
    I reappeared with two glasses and
handed one to Max as I sat down. He looked at me with mischief in his eyes.
    “What are you up to? I know that
look.” I eyed him curiously, knowing him well enough to know he had something
cooking in that handsome head of his.
    He produced a small jeweler’s box
and placed it in my hands. “I wanted you to have something to remind you of how
much I love you every time you wear it.”
    Opening the small container, I found
a pair of sapphire earrings. “They’re exquisite. Thank you. I’ll cherish them
always.” I removed them from the case and walked over to a mirror, put them on,
and smiled.
    “You like them then? They reminded
me of your eyes.”
    “I love them, thank you.” I walked
back toward him and sank down next to him. I leaned over and kissed him first
on the cheek, then lightly on the lips. “I love you, Max Frazier.”
    “I’m glad you like them. I love you
too. Don’t ever doubt that.”


    Max and I were awakened the
following morning by a phone call from Agent Keller, who informed us someone
would pick us up in an hour.
    “Come on, love, time to get up.” He
leaned down, pecking me softly on the lips. “Would you mind making some coffee
while I grab a shower?”
    “No, they aren’t going to give us
any peace until we get this over with.” I rolled out of bed and watched Max
walk toward the bathroom. Shaking off any lustful thought I might have had, I
headed to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee. But the coffee maker refused to
cooperate. Time for a
new one. I started a
kettle of water

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