Keep It Sexy (KIS Series Book 3)

Free Keep It Sexy (KIS Series Book 3) by Olivia Snow

Book: Keep It Sexy (KIS Series Book 3) by Olivia Snow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Olivia Snow
allow that, not anymore. Abruptly, I stopped and stepped back. Christian’s hands fell lifelessly to his sides, and he seemed confused.
    “I’d better get back to work,” I said. Chris cleared his throat while rubbing the back of his neck.
    “Yeah, okay,” he replied. The fact that no customers were coming in allowed us to dance without an audience; still, there were things to do. We worked in an awkward silence while a few people came and went. We were painfully slow. When my break came around, I grabbed my backpack from the employee locker room and took it to the dining room. I sat, taking out my lunch and a book I had been dying to read—Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations.
    As I opened up the lid to my plastic container to eat whatever Pete had made for last night’s dinner, Christian pulled out the chair across from me and sat. I had a fork full of Pete’s cheesy experiment midway to my mouth when he made himself comfortable as he dragged out his own packed lunch. His smelled and looked delicious. He caught me ogling his food.
    “Want some?” he asked, tearing the tortilla dish in half. He didn’t wait for my answer before he took out a napkin from his pack and set the food on top of it, pushing it in front of me.
    “Um, thanks.” I wasn’t the type of girl to refuse food in front of a man. It looked delicious, while Pete’s food looked alive ; I swear it winked at me. I threw the fork in the Tupperware and pushed it aside. Before I could take a bite from Christian’s lunch, he spoke.
    “It’s called a mulita . It’s pretty much a quesadilla with pieces of grilled steak and guacamole inside.”
    I nodded before taking a big bite. It was like a fiesta with a dancing Mariachi band, piñatas, and colorful confetti in my mouth. I groaned. Christian smiled before taking a bite of his half.
    “Good, huh?” he mumbled.
    “Oh, God, it’s soooo good. You made this?” I asked, swallowing my food as I picked up a Diet Coke from my pack to drink.
    “Nah.” He swallowed. “Promise, not to laugh?” He picked up a piece of food and popped it in his mouth.
    “I don’t make promises I can’t keep,” I replied as I lowered the can from my mouth. Christian looked at me like he was lost in thought. Something passed in his eyes before he blinked it away and cleared his throat.
    “My mom cooks for me. It’s her way of still feeling like she can do something for me. I haven’t needed her help since I was a kid, so…” He shrugged. I nodded, then ate more. “So besides your personal information, I know nothing about you.”
    “What do you want to know?” I asked cautiously.
    “The patch on your backpack.” He pointed at my bag on the floor.
    I had that etched into my backpack since I was fourteen, when I was deep inside the game; it was a black patch with a knotted green M and A intertwined with a hidden cross. I left it there to remind me of what I’ve been through and the things I had to do in the name of family . And why I wouldn’t go back.
    “I’ve seen it before,” he added.
    Yeah, I bet you have. I relaxed against the back of my chair before answering.
    “It’s a family emblem,” I replied. Christian nodded.
    “The McAllister family.” He wasn’t asking, he knew. “ Don McAllister’s family.”
    “The man, the myth, the legend.” I sighed, annoyed. “Are you going to fire me now?”
    Christian snorted. “Why would I do that?”
    “Because you know who my dad is, and what my family is all about.”
    “Billie, I’m well aware not all of us are products of our parents.” He looked at me and raised his eyebrows as if to ask, am I right ? I was glad, but confused that he wasn’t going to fire me after finding out who my dad was. It didn’t feel real to me. “You don’t believe me?” he asked.
    I had a hell of a poker face, but with Christian it seemed to slip at times.
    “Sorry, but I have a problem when it comes to trusting people.”
    Christian chuckled as he tossed a

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