Keyboards and Kink
away from them, the starting point his woman. He
    “Godsdamn rainbows,” she muttered. “Do you know how
hard it is to be taken seriously when you have those things
following you around everywhere?”
    “My poor baby,” BC said in a soothing voice. “It’s
because you’re still a good girl.”
    She stiffened. “What?” She grabbed his hair to tug
his head away from her breast. “After what we just did, how can you
say I’m still a good girl?”
    BC smiled broadly. “Because, princess, bad girls
    Iris smiled back at him, hunger in her eyes. “I’ll
have to practice that then. A lot.”
    Other Books by Danica Avet:
    Immortal Love

    Vanessa Devereaux
    Copyright © 2012
    “ I’m touching my clit. It’s throbbing and it won’t
be long before I climax.”
    “ If only I could watch as you come.”
    He didn’t want to read any more.
    Ian took off his glasses and pinched the bridge of
his nose. He couldn’t believe Jenny Walker had written this and was
the sort of woman who took part in cyber sex. However, this was her
cubicle and her computer. It was obvious she was working late
because her distinct pink lipstick was smeared on the straw
sticking out of a can of soda on her desk. He loved the color. It
was one of the first things he’d noticed about her when she’d
stepped into his office when he’d hired her a little over a year
    He glanced down. Her purse sat by the leg of the
chair and her beige raincoat hung on its back. She looked so
sophisticated wearing it as she walked through the door every
morning at three minutes before eight. She was always on time so he
knew exactly when to head to his office window to catch a glimpse
of her.
    He’d had his heart set on asking her out the minute
she’d shaken his hand during her interview. But he knew the rules.
No one working for Corbett Enterprises was allowed to date a fellow
staff member. Damn, stupid rule and he, Ian Corbett, owner of the
company, had been the fucking idiot who’d created it. If he’d known
someone like Jenny would stroll into his life he would have
included an exception clause for the boss.
    Ian leaned back on the chair, getting a whiff of
Jenny’s perfume. The very same one she’d worn a year ago. He’d
never forgotten it.
    You always want what you can’t have.
    The explicit messages on her computer screen stared
back at him again.
    Was this a boyfriend she was interacting with?
    He right clicked on the mouse and read some more.
    How much do you charge for a Web cam view? I’d like
to see you pleasure yourself.
    Ian pulled on the front of his pants. He’d like to
see that too and just the thought of it had made his cock suddenly
    Charge, Web cam…Jenny was some sort of hooker? An
Internet hooker. Was there such a thing?
    He drummed his lips with his fingertips. She’d been
using company equipment to conduct outside business…if that’s what
one could call it. And probably on company time too. Both were acts
that the rulebook said were cause for dismissal.
    He banged his hand on the desk, almost knocking over
the can of soda. He caught it just before the contents spilled on
the keyboard.
    That’s it.
    He could fire her, then the stupid rules wouldn’t
apply anymore.
    He could ask her out.
    Ian took off a sheet of paper from her notepad and
pulled a pen from the Hello Kitty coffee mug she used to house
    Ms. Rasley,
    Please come and see me in my office immediately.
    Ian Corbett
    He propped it up against the screen, covering the
last two sentences of her cyber chat or whatever it was called.
    Had he not taken a shortcut on his way out of the
building tonight he might never have discovered her secret and the
perfect excuse for firing her.
    Fate must be on my side.
    Jenny took the hotdog out of the microwave oven and
carried it back to her cubicle. For some reason dealing with horny
men made her hungry.

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