Must Be Doin' Somethin' Right [The Chisholms of Texas 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Free Must Be Doin' Somethin' Right [The Chisholms of Texas 3] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Lea Kinkade

Book: Must Be Doin' Somethin' Right [The Chisholms of Texas 3] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Lea Kinkade Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lea Kinkade
They took turns reading excerpts from different stories out loud to each other, laughing at the antics of some of the politicians and criminals. It was hard to tell the difference sometimes.
    Dillon came back in the bedroom with two cups of fresh coffee and broached the subject of lunch at his parents’ house. He had missed it last week, but his mother gave him strict instructions to bring Abby to the family lunch this week or else.
    “We probably should take a shower and get dressed pretty soon. Lunch at my folks’ is at 11:00 a.m. I’d like to get there a little early since I missed it last week,” he said casually.
    “You go ahead and take a shower. I’ll take one later, after you leave. I need to get some laundry done today anyway,” she said a little guiltily. She hadn’t even thought about him missing lunch with his family last Sunday when they spent the day in bed.
    “You’re invited to the dinner, too, baby. Mom made me promise to bring you along with me today,” he said carefully.
    “Oh,” she said, nonplussed, as she met his steady gaze with one of her own. “Do y’all normally bring your girlfriends with you to Sunday lunch with your family?”
    Dillon looked at her closely to determine if she was being difficult or really didn’t understand what he was asking her. He decided she really didn’t get it and decided not to get into a fight about her status right now and just get her to lunch any way he could. He would ask for forgiveness later. “Yeah, when we’re with someone steady, we usually bring them along with us. Besides, you’ve come to several Sunday lunches over the past two years.”
    “Oh, okay. I’d love to have lunch with your family again. Your whole family was wonderful to me during my internship. Your mom invited me to meals at the big house a lot, not that I always came, but it was nice to be invited. What should I wear?” she asked innocently as she got out of bed and stretched her curvaceous body, taking him from semi-interested to rock hard in about three seconds.
    “Jeans are okay, baby. We don’t get fancy at the family table.”
    “Okay. You want to go first or should I?” she asked him as she rummaged in her drawers for fresh panties and a bra.
    “Oh, you’re going to go first, baby. But I plan on being right there with you,” he said with a smile as he got out of bed naked. His cock was hard as a steel pole again. He couldn’t get enough of this woman.
    “Oh, it’s going to be that kind of shower, is it?” she asked with a smile as she watched him stalk toward her.
    “You bet, baby. Let’s go fuck in the shower. I need to be inside you again something fierce,” he said, still smiling.
    They were half an hour late to his parents’ house for Sunday lunch.
    * * * *
    Shit! Abby was going to kill Dillon. That asshole had tricked her! She was the only nonfamily member present at this family lunch. She knew for a fact that Jessie and Ryder were each dating someone regularly, and neither one of them brought their respective date with them. Come to think of it, she’d never seen one of the Chisholm kids bring a casual date with them for lunch on Sunday. With a little discreet questioning, she had found out the Chisholm siblings didn’t bring “dates” with them to Sunday lunch with the family. She couldn’t believe that Dillon would foist her on his family this way. What must they think of her? It’s like she crashed a wedding reception, for cripes’ sake. She didn’t belong here.
    Everyone was being exceptionally nice to her. She wasn’t getting the skank eye from anyone. At least not so that she noticed. Jordan, Samantha, Taylor, and Jessie all made a concerted effort to include Abby in the conversations swirling around the dinner table. They made her feel welcome despite Dillon’s colossal breach of etiquette. Cassie Chisholm smiled broadly as she sat to the right of Alex Chisholm at the head of the table and listened to her family enjoy each

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