Chained Reaction
for. Why had never made sense, seeing Michael was the
one with the privileged background, university paid for by his
wealthy parents and a guaranteed position in his father’s
    What Michael saw in her didn’t make sense
either. They were such opposites and her background had more in
common with Jamie’s. So when she ended the relationship with
Michael and started hanging around with the cousin six months after
first setting eyes upon him, the rift between Michael and Jamie
    She pulled the car up near to him and opened
the passenger door. He stepped forward and bent down to look
through the open door at her. His gaze told her she had chosen the
right dress. He had always liked her in red and had once said in
jest that he wanted her married in a red bridal gown and he would
wear a purple tuxedo. It was the one and only time he had mentioned
marriage between them.
    Throwing his haversack into the rear, he
climbed in next to her. Lucy turned her face to his. His mouth rose
at the corners whilst dark eyes locked onto hers. There was
silence. She could feel her heart racing and had to grip the wheel,
tearing her gaze away at the same time.
    “I think we know where this is heading,
Lucy. I should get out of this car now, grab a taxi and be gone
from here. We don’t need to do this.”
    She took a deep breath and turned toward
him, placing her hand on his thigh, and with the other, cupping the
side of his face. “You once said you live for the day and never
think of the tomorrow because it might never come. Well I’m tired
of waiting for my tomorrow.”
    For a moment the intensity in his hazel eyes
felt almost threatening and then she felt his palm come up hard
behind her neck pulling her face forward. Their lips came together
and as if by doing so they were breathing life back into bodies
that had been deprived of all feeling.
    With the crushing and powerful kiss, Lucy
felt everything swept away, Michael, her sacrifice, what she had
become, it was all gone. All she could think about was this moment
and for it to never end. She felt his smooth caressing touch
travelling up her bare legs, fingers slipping round to her inner
thigh. Her body was sliding down further into the leather
upholstery as her own fingers drove up and under his wet T-shirt,
her fingertips pressing into the smooth hard shoulder muscle.
    Finally he released her and she sank back
into the seat, breathless and on fire. Her body craved his touch
whilst her mind longed for his love. She couldn’t separate the two.
One without the other would never be enough but his touch was all
he was offering her.
    “Do you want me to drive?”
    Lucy moistened her lips with her tongue and
took a small breath. “Do you want to end up back inside? Where are
we going?”
    “The boathouse. It’s still mine, and Mary,
my Uncle’s housekeeper, checks it out once a week so it should be
    She didn’t need to ask him for directions
and knew it hadn’t been sold or rented out. In the beginning she
had sat outside in the car nearly every week remembering and
reliving the passion the two of them had brought each other within
those walls. The last couple of years the memories had become too
painful to revisit and she had tried to stay away but it never
lasted more than a month. Now he was real, beside her, and she
could live for the moment.
    The rain had stopped and the sun was casting
glistening patterns across the water’s surface. The weeping willows
by the river bank swayed gently in the wind and a pair of ducks
took to the sky as Jamie and she approached the timber structure
built on stilts. The main bedroom actually hung over the water’s
edge with French doors opening out to a wooden veranda, Jamie’s
motorboat still moored directly below. His grandmother had left him
the boathouse and a small inheritance, and she guessed that this
was what he was using to carry on with its upkeep. Stepping onto
the oak wooden flooring, hearing the familiar

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