A Tale of Red Riding: Rise of the Alpha Huntress (The Alpha Huntress Series Book 1)
    “My name is Red Riding.”
    “You mean the Red Riding?” The white-haired girl stood up straight to regain her elitist composure. “Now this is indeed unexpected. It’s not that I wasn’t aware of your return, but I never expected we would meet under such circumstances.”
    “And who are you?”
    “I am so sorry. Where are my manners?” The white-haired girl extended a hand to Red. “My name is Ice of the royal order known to all as the Seether Clan.”
    “Ice? That’s a rather unusual name.”
    “No less unusual than the name Red, I would presume.”
    Red shrugged in agreement. “So you’re some kind of royalty?”
    “Not some kind. The best kind. My family built the entire town of Wayward. Without us, this region would be inhabited by nothing more than uneducated peasants.”
    “How fortunate for them that you’re around, or they might just fall off the face of the world.”
    “That was sarcasm. I don’t care for sarcasm.”
    Red sighed. “As much as I’m enjoying this little chat, I need to be getting back to my granny’s house. Can you point me to the nearest road?”
    “I’ll do you one better than that, Red Riding. I will take you to old Grenda’s home on my horse.”
    “Oh. You know my granny?”
    “Correction. I am aware that such a woman called Grenda Stalk exists in Wayward. We have no personal ties, I can assure you of that.”
    “Why am I not surprised?”
    “You have a sharp tongue, Red. Though I suppose this is to be expected from a woman of the Riding Clan. Not that there are many of you left around.”
    Red frowned. “That seems to be the case.”
    “Oh, don’t get like that now, Red. It wasn’t my intention to be callous. I was merely making a statement of fact.”
    “In the future, I’ll try not to take things you say too seriously, Ice.”
    Ice cracked an amused grin. “And there you go again with the snappy wit. I have a feeling you and I are going to get along quite smashingly.”
    Red clenched her fists so tight it made her knuckles crack. “I couldn’t agree with your choice of words more, Ice Seether.”
    “And on that note, it is time for us to ride.” With an effortless hop, Ice sprang up onto the back of her horse. She extended a hand to Red. “Shall we?”
    Red faked a smile. “It’s not necessary. I’ll be fine walking.”
    “Don’t be foolish, Red. These woods are treacherous to one who doesn’t know her way around. Not to mention that walking would take you well over half the day.”
    “Oh. I didn’t realize I had strayed so far from home.” Red concluded that she had no other choice. “I do suppose a ride would be better than walking.”
    “Now you’re talking sensibly. Give me your hand.”
    Red reached out and accepted Ice’s waiting hand. She was startled to discover Ice’s skin was chilling cold and as smooth as silk. With one effortless pull, Red hopped up onto the back of the horse and slid into the saddle behind Ice. For the second time since her arrival, a stranger she didn’t much care for was giving her a ride home. The irony wasn’t lost on her.
    “Onward.” Ice shouted.
    The white horse took off running so lightning fast that it made Red squeal.
    “Hang on tight, Red Riding.”
    Ice gave the horse a kick in the side and it began running even faster. Red experienced a thrill unlike any other as they crossed flowery fields, leaped over a rocky ravine, splashed across a flowing stream, and charged down a steep embankment. The ride lasted for the better part of an hour before they reached a dirt path and Ice let the horse slow to a trot.
    “Ice, that was one of the most thrilling experiences of my life. You’re a magnificent rider.”
    “Yes, I know. Now tell me your story, Red Riding.”
    Red frowned. “I’m afraid there isn’t much to tell.”
    “Nonsense. Even a peasant orphan has a story to be told.”
    “How do you know I was an orphan?”
    “Red, darling, you are far more well-known around Wayward than

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