possibilities of living outside of the King’s reign. “You should go now,” Tevar nudged the chair, “there are many preparations to be made.” Tevar turned to Placan, his face a blank canvas. Placan nodded.
As the pins and needles finally subsided, Meredith carefully got to her feet. She walked cautiously forward toward the bare walls. There had to be some way to get out.
“Hello?” She pressed her body against the wall in hopes of finding a door of some sort. “I know you can hear me!” The truth was, however, that Tevar couldn’t hear her anymore, the camera peering in to her room had been muted. Meredith pushed her whole body weight against each of the four walls methodically, finding nothing. “Seriously? You know that this is illegal, right? I am gonna sue your asses off!” She looked up at the camera and gave the middle finger before walking over to the corner and sitting directly underneath it. If no one was going to do her the courtesy of answering her, then she would force them to come to her.
Meredith wasn’t sure exactly who her captors were and while the idea of luring them in would likely terrify anyone else, it only served to make her angry. The least anyone could do after locking you in a door-less room was let you know who they were without your having to trick them in to coming to you.
Placan’s comm device beeped shrilly.
“This is Placan…” There was static before Tevar’s voice broke through.
“…needed to check the human woman…” Placan felt his heart beginning to race at the thought of actual contact with a human.
“Repeat that, please, Tevar.”
“You are needed to check the human woman…she is no longer visible on the security camera. Then secure her for her meeting with the king.” Placan smiled, he was going to get to see the human woman himself!
“Of course, Tevar. I will be there shortly.” Placan had never interacted with a human of any kind before, but he found something appealing in the way that this one looked. She wasn’t tall and slender like the Kalarians, you couldn’t see the bony cage that framed her heart and the large mounds on her chest were like nothing any Kalarian female had. Placan wanted to touch them. He knew it would be a certain death sentence if he dared to, but something inside of him made him want to do it anyway. He found it hard to determine if his desires were merely wonderment or if they were driven by something else.
As Placan came to the sealed cell he looked around him to make sure that no one was watching. When he found the coast clear, he placed his long sucker tipped fingers against a touchpad on the door and paused as it vaporized. As he walked in to the room, the door reappeared behind him.
“What…” Meredith sat staring at Placan open mouthed. He cocked his head to the side as he stared back at her, just as mesmerized by her appearance as she was of his. Meredith squinted at his relatively tall frame and his obscenely long slender legs. “Who…what are you?” She had never seen anyone with such strange proportions before and as her eyes met his fingertips she couldn’t help but gasp. He was nothing like any thing she’d seen before either, but she refused to give in to her fear. Whatever he was she knew that he couldn’t possibly be what she suspected because aliens didn’t exist.
“I am Placan, royal guard to Obar king of the planet Kalar.” Meredith’s brow furrowed as she stared at his caramel colored skin.
“What?” she shook her head, “you want me to believe that I’ve been abducted by aliens?” She laughed loudly, “Yeah, okay. This is the
Alan. Marder Ted L. Nancy