Desired by the Alien King

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Book: Desired by the Alien King by Barbara Watts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barbara Watts
stupidest joke ever and your costume isn’t even that good. When my dad finds out who you are, you are going to be fucked. Now tell me who you are really.” Placan stared at the redness that was rising in Meredith’s cheeks.
                  “I am Placan…”
                  “Yeah, I know, I know, of the royal guard of whatever the hell it was. Seriously though, let me out of here and I might not even tell my dad about it.” Placan shook his head slowly as he stared in to her mesmerizing blue eyes.
                  “It is more than my job is worth to release you, Earth woman. You are to be king Obar’s bride and I will surely be cast in to oblivion if I allow you escape.” Meredith stared in to his large brown eyes in disbelief.
                  “Wait a minute…you’re telling me that not only are you an alien and I’ve been abducted to your planet, but you are marrying me off to your king?” She burst in to laughter, the sound shocking Placan. He blinked slowly.
                  “Yes. You will be very happy, I am sure of it.” He wasn’t sure of it, not really, but he had heard that the other wives of the king were satisfied with their life. Part of him however, hoped that Meredith wouldn’t be because he wanted her for himself. Meredith stood up and walked towards Placan. Placan looked at her uncertainly, Earth women certainly were strange creatures with their short shapely legs and their pale white skin.
                  “Okay, this has been great, really, but seriously...” She pinched at the tan skin on Placan’s long slender forearm, it puckered for a moment before sinking back against the bone of his arm. Meredith frowned and reached up to his face, Placan flinched. Meredith pinched both of his hollow cheeks and attempted to pull them away from his bony skull. When the skin snapped back in to place, Meredith’s eyes widened and she stared at Placan, horrified. His massive eyes stared right back at her quizzically. “You…” she pulled her hands back, her fists balled up. “You’re not wearing a costume…” Placan shook his head.
                  “On my planet we do not wear costumes like you humans do, just simple robes…” Placan reached his long fingers forward and fingered the sleeve of Meredith’s nightgown. Meredith stepped backward, a look of horror on her face as she looked him up and down. She had never seen a creature with eyes as large as his, they were twice the size they should have been and she couldn’t help but stare in to them.
                  “Why am I here?” This time her voice shook with uncertainty.
                  “You have been chosen to wed Obar, King of the planet Kalar.” Meredith shook her head.
                  “I know, you said that…but it doesn’t make any sense. There are billions of people to choose from on planet Earth, there have to be billions of people on planet…Kalam too? Why doesn’t he just marry one of you? Why drag me in to this?”
                  “Kalar, it is planet Kalar.” Placan couldn’t understand why she was not honored to be chosen as the king’s bride like all of the others had been. Instead she seemed almost panicked by her selection. “The king has chosen you, this is a great honor.” Meredith shook her head, great honor or not, there was no way it was going to happen. Even back on Earth Meredith had had her doubts about marriage, and now she was being asked to marry someone from a different planet who she had never met? It was never going to happen.
                  “Why has the king chosen me? I didn’t even know that he existed so how could he possibly have chosen me?” Placan had never faced a situation quite like this before and he found her unique resistance to be quite intriguing.
                  “King Obar is aware of all planets in the universe.

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