The Best Bet

Free The Best Bet by Hebby Roman

Book: The Best Bet by Hebby Roman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hebby Roman
Tags: Contemporary Romance
attractive, even with those ugly glasses she felt a frisson of electricity run down her spine.
    “I feel as if you’ve attacked me. Not just what I’ve done but who I am,” he explained. “It’s not a nice feeling, you know? Because I do have standards. Though, I can understand why you don’t believe it.”
    He was tugging at her heartstrings, and she knew it. She shouldn’t let him get to her, shouldn’t feel a surge of empathy for him, but she couldn’t seem to help herself. He’d been so nice from the start, not like other high rollers.
    Not like other men.
    She’d liked him from the start—his wry sense of humor and his sensitivity. She’d genuinely believed that he cared about her as a person. And she couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt that way about a man.
    Not that she’d given herself that many opportunities to let someone get to know her. Her school and work were the most important things in her life. Her social life was non-existent. Her father had taught her how important success was and that everything else was secondary.
    Rafael Escobedo was young and handsome. Discovering that he was an imposter had shattered her fragile hopes. Her anger was fueled by her disappointment. The one time she’d let someone in, even if only for a few hours, he’d disappointed her ... and that hurt.
    “Why did you do it?” She had to know. Despite what common sense told her, she wanted to absolve him.
    “Why?” he echoed. “It was a stupid move, I admit. My twin, Damian, won this comped trip by exceeding his sales quota. He’s been to Vegas so many times that he wasn’t excited about the trip. And I had to come for an interview with the university.”
    “The University of Las Vegas, where I study?”
    “Yes, but don’t worry. I won’t be ruining your fellow business students’ moral fiber. I’m a professor in humanities.”
    “To make a long story short, my brother wanted me to have a vacation, to stay in Vegas for a few days and enjoy his comped trip. He told me I would be treated like royalty.” Shaking his head, he said, “I had no idea what he meant.
    This suite was beyond my wildest dreams, and as soon as I saw it I knew I couldn’t take advantage. But I wanted to get my luggage and—” He paused, his eyes searching her face. “I wanted to see more of you before I gave up the game. That’s the truth. I hope you’ll believe me. And I repeat, I want to pay for everything. Please, give me an itemized bill.”
    So he hadn’t just been nice. He was genuinely attracted to her. Now she understood his protectiveness and his rudeness when he thought she was a pro. He’d been disappointed, too.
    A rush of warmth heated her face. She was blushing, and it was embarrassing. But it had been so long since anyone had reached out to her that it felt good. Damned good. At least, it proved she was still alive and had feelings.
    And now it was her turn to be on the defensive. She’d definitely overreacted because of her disappointment. After all, his brother, Damian Escobedo, had been awarded a trip, which included certain privileges. His firm had obviously paid for the trip, either in cash or by sending enough high rollers to the Xanadu to cover the costs. If she looked at it that way, what harm had been done?
    “Please, I appreciate your honesty, Mr. Escobedo. But your brother earned this trip and since he wanted to give it to you, then I see no reason—”
    “Nope, can’t accept that. I’m sorry, Adriana. And please, turn me over to the police before you call me Mr. Escobedo again. I hate it. Even my students call me Rafael.”
    She allowed herself to grin. “Mr. Escobedo is easier than learning Damian and then Rafael.”
    “Touché. Again, I apologize for the farce. And I will pay for this suite.” He waved his hand. “I would like to stay at the Xanadu for several more days in a simple room, of course.
    Something I can afford.”
    She looked at his packed bags, waiting

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