Grave Misgivings

Free Grave Misgivings by Lily Harper Hart

Book: Grave Misgivings by Lily Harper Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lily Harper Hart
building regulations,” he said, his gaze bouncing between the water and the back patio where everyone was milling about with cocktails. They were far enough away to speak freely, but they were close enough to still be considered part of the group. Nick was just happy to have a few minutes alone with his girl without Marla and Cassidy glaring at them like they’d been kicking kittens all night.
    “I think, when you have as much money as Aaron’s parents, you get around building regulations,” Maddie said, her gaze focused on the river.
    “Are you looking for a turtle?” Nick asked.
    He didn’t believe her. “Don’t get that dress wet and ruin it,” Nick warned. “I’ll catch you a turtle tomorrow. We’ll wear stuff that can get dirty and wet.”
    “I wasn’t looking for a turtle,” Maddie protested.
    “You’re always looking for a turtle,” Nick said.
    Maddie rolled her eyes and shifted her attention to the expansive lawn rolling down the other side of the river. “How did Aaron’s family make their money? I don’t think I even know what Mr. Denton does.”
    “They have family money,” Nick said. “The grandfather was one of the initial investors in IBM, and Aaron’s father continued the tradition by getting in early with Apple.”
    “Wow,” Maddie said. “I guess they’re smart when it comes to business.”
    “I would definitely agree,” Nick said. “Still, as cool as this house is, I like the idea of something a little smaller. I like knowing that when I call your name you’ll be able to hear me. The same goes for when we have kids. Can you imagine trying to wrangle little ones in this house?”
    “I can barely imagine wrangling little ones in our house,” Maddie replied.
    “I guess it’s good we don’t have to worry about that for a little bit, isn’t it?” Nick’s question was pointed. He knew Maddie was worried he was anxious for kids, even though nothing could be further from the truth. “I’m happy it’s just going to be the two of us for the next few years, Mad. We can have kids, but we don’t need them right away.”
    “I know,” Maddie said. “I just like dreaming sometimes. Is that so wrong?”
    “No, love,” Nick said, grinning. “I like dreaming, too. The thing is, we’re already living our dream come true, so try to enjoy it.”
    “Then find me a turtle,” Maddie said.
    “I knew you were looking for a turtle,” Nick grumbled.
    “THEY really look happy,” Lauren said, sipping her martini and  settling next to Christy as she watched Nick and Maddie cavort in the water. “I always knew they were destined to be together, but they’re really adorable.”
    “They’re so sugary sweet it’s sickening sometimes,” Christy said. “Can you tell I’m jealous?”
    “I’m jealous, too,” Lauren said. “Every little girl dreams of finding the perfect man. Maddie actually found hers.”
    “It’s too bad they couldn’t have realized that back in high school,” Aaron said, joining them. “They would probably already be married and have kids if they hadn’t been so scared to admit how they felt back then.”
    “I think they’re better off,” Christy said.
    “Why do you say that?”
    “Think about it,” Christy said. “We were all idiots when were eighteen years old. If they’d tried to make it work then, they probably would’ve failed and missed their chance. Now they’re both older, they’re both more mature … things just fit together perfectly for them.”
    “Other than the woman they crushed on the way to their own happiness,” Marla said.
    Christy ran her tongue over her teeth as she turned to Marla. Cassidy was standing next to her, and the look on her face was murderous. “Can’t you just let it go, Marla? Everyone in this town knew Nick was pining for Maddie. No one is saying what happened to Cassidy was right – especially Nick – but it’s over and done with. It’s not like anything is going to change. Maddie

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