Her Salvation (Cadance and Rayne)

Free Her Salvation (Cadance and Rayne) by E mack

Book: Her Salvation (Cadance and Rayne) by E mack Read Free Book Online
Authors: E mack
    Her Salvation
    Chapter 1
    Cadance Stevens threaded her way through the large crowd of people dancing.  Her 5'3, slender frame getting engulfed by the crowd around her.  The backless pink, drape front halter shirt she wore cling to the sweat on her chest.  The top didn’t allow for a bra but with her small B cup size, she didn’t real need one.
      The night club she and her best friend, Jacie, had come to was packed.  She love it.  Glancing around she looked for the blonde head of her friend.  She knew that she would be dancing with her longtime boyfriend Max.
    Finally spotting the two she moved towards them.  Pushing through the groups of people in front of her. 
    "Hey! You two.  Having fun?" she asked the couple.  They were smiling into each other’s eyes.  Cadance could tell that they were probably getting close to leaving.  It always happened that way.
    They would come out together as a group and the couple would get swept up in each other and hurry back to the girl’s apartment.  She didn't mind, she knew that the two loved each other.  And besides she thought, I can stay and keep dancing.
    Jacie finally turned to her and answered, "Yeah this is great."  Looking back at her boyfriend she grinned and said, "We're gonna go ahead and get out of here though.  IS that ok?"
    Cadance looked at the concerned look on her friends face and smiled.  "Yeah that’s fine.  You two behave", she said as she waved at the couple and moved back into the dancing.
    Soon the couple had left and Cadance became swept up in the fast pace of the dancing.  Becoming thirsty she flagged down a waitress for a drink.  Gulping down the shot of tequila, she chased it with a drink of her crown and coke.  Setting the empty glasses down on a passing tray, she went back to dancing. 
    Cadance groaned as she began to wake up.  Opening her eyes she looked up at the white ceiling of her bedroom.   She jerked her head to the left when she heard a deep snore come from next to her.
    Looking over she saw the back of a head, covered with dark black hair.  Oh crap, she thought.  What did I do?  Sliding to the edge of the bed, she reached for a white t-shirt lying on the floor.
    Pulling the t-shirt on to cover her nakedness, she stood up next to the bed.  Not again, she thought.  Why do I keep doing this?
    Looking closer at the guy, she tried to remember where she had met him.  Eyeing the bed she tip-toed to the bedroom door.  Opening it she slide out, shutting it quietly behind her.
    Outside the room she let out a yelp, almost running into Jacie as she came down the hall.
    "Hey, girl", her friend said smiling.  The smile soon dropped from her face when she saw the expression on Cadance's face.
    "What is it?" she asked.
    "Did you see me come in last night?"
    "No, we were already in bed.  You must've stayed out pretty late.  Why?'
    Letting out a deep breathe, Cadance smacked her forehead with her palm.  "I did it again", she told her friend.
    "What?  Again?  Cadan ce I thought you said you weren’t gonna do this anymore.  I thought we talked about it.  I'm worried about you.  What happened?"
    "Well I got thirsty and started drinking after ya'll left."  Shrugging she walked down the hall to the bathroom.
    Following her inside the room Jacie said, "Yeah but there is such a thing as water you know.  You don't have to get wasted just because you're thirsty."  Crossing her arms she leaned against the sink that sat next to the tub.
    Cadance looked up at her friend as she finished using the bathroom.  "I know, I know.  I don't know why I did it."
    Finishing she stood up and shooed Jacie out of the way so she could wash her hands. 
    "Well you're gonna have to talk to him.  He's gonna come looking for you sometime you know."
    Rolling her eyes Cadance said, " Yes I know."
    The two girls jumped when

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