Her Salvation (Cadance and Rayne)

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Book: Her Salvation (Cadance and Rayne) by E mack Read Free Book Online
Authors: E mack
they heard a deep voice from the other side of the bathroom door.
    "Hello.  Is someone in there?"
    Opening the door a crack, Cadance peeked out at the guy standing in the hall.
    "Yeah we're in here.  Sorry you can have it."
    Smiling the gut slide by the two as they stepped out.  He'd wore a pair of loose fitting jeans and a white button up shirt, which was unbuttoned.
    "Wow" Jacie mouthed to Cadance as they walked away from the bathroom.  "He’s cute", she told Cadance as they walked away.
    "Hush", Cadance said blushing.
    Running back to her room she grabbed a pair of pajama pants and panties.  Pulling them on she hurried into the small kitchen were Jacie was.
    Busying herself with making some coffee, she attempted to ignore the guy as he sat down at one of the four chairs at their table.  Jacie soon deserted her.  Grinning as she left the room.
    "So can I know your name now?" he asked as he watched her move around the room.
    Glancing over at him she said, "Cadance."  Turning back she pretended to tidy the counter up in front of her.  Sliding the coffee and sugar canister around, she heard him move slightly in the chair he sat in.
    "Well, my name is Kurk", he said twiddling his fingers together on the top of the table.
    When she kept her back turned he finally got irritated and said, "Well nice to meet you."  Standing up he shoved the chair up under the table, turning he barged out of the room.
    Sighing, Cadance released the tension from her shoulders.  Turning around she pulled a chair out and plopped down.  Soon she heard the apartment door slam shut, as the guy finally left.  Putting her elbow on the table she dropped her head onto her hand. 
    Jacie slide into the chair across from her.  "Wanna talk about it?"
    "No, not really."  Cadance told her as she got back up from the table to grab a cup of coffee.  Reaching into the cabinet she pulled down her hot pink coffee mug.  Filing the cup she added cream and sugar.  Taking the cup, she sat back down at the table.
    " Well", Jacie said letting out a deep breathe. "I’m gonna make some breakfast.  Maxi will probably be up soon."  Getting up she began moving around the kitchen.  Jacie loved to cook, she worked as a chef in one of the nicer Italian restaurants in town.
    Cadance watched as her friend began mixing up a batch of her chocolate chip muffins.  Soon she placed the pan in the small oven and turned to start frying the bacon and eggs.
    The smell of the eggs made Cadance's stomach roll.  Getting up she decided she would go take a long hot bath.  She walked into the bathroom and turned on the water.  Sitting down on the edge of the tub, as it filled with water, she stared down at the bright orange bath rug under her feet.
    She felt like crying.  Why do I keep doing these things?  She asked herself again.  I know I shouldn’t but, do it anyway. 
    Sighing she stood up, piling her shoulder length brown hair up on top of her head and secured it with a large brown clippie she picked up from beside the sink.  Pulling her clothes off and climbed into the tub.  Putting a wet washcloth over her eyes she soaked in the water until it began to cool.  Getting out she wrapped a towel around herself.  Walking to the door she peeked out to make sure Max wasn't in the hall.
    Seeing it empty, she slipped out and hurried into her room.  Reaching her room she pulled on a new pair of black panties, matching bra, dark grey yoga pants, and a blue t-shirt.  Leaving her room she walked back to the kitchen.
    "Finally", Max said as he rushed by her.
    "Sorry", she called to him as he went into the bathroom.
    "Sorry", she said to Jacie as she sat down.
    "Oh, he's just giving you a hard time, you know that."
    Smiling, Cadance said, "Yeah, I know."  She watched as Jacie grabbed three plates and filled them with food.
    Setting each plate down on the table, she pulled out the chair next to Cadance and sat down.
    "So what are your plans for today?"  She asked as she

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