Her Salvation (Cadance and Rayne)

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Book: Her Salvation (Cadance and Rayne) by E mack Read Free Book Online
Authors: E mack
dug into her food.
    Picking small pieces off of the muffin, Cadance said "I've gotta go get some new clothes, remember?  My new job starts Monday."
    "Oh, Yeah that is Monday", Jacie said.  She continued eating only stopping to smile up at her boyfriend as he returned to the room.  He took the chair next to Jacie, leaving one open between himself and Cadance.
    "New boyfriend?" he asked quirking his black eyebrow at Cadance.  The grin on his face telling Cadance that he knew she didn't want to talk about it.
    Rolling her eyes she turned her attention back to Jacie.  "Are you still going to come with me?  I need a second opinion."
    Nodding as she finished her eggs, Jacie said "Sure I will.  Just let me get cleaned up and we'll go."  Standing up she took her plate to the sink, turning the water on she rinsed it and put it in the sink.  Walking back towards the table she leaned over and kissed Max on the cheek as she passed by.  He continued eating his food.
    Cadance resumed picking at the muffin on her plate.  She still felt so bad after last night.  She really just wanted to crawl into bed and cover her head up with the blanket but, she knew she had to get some new things for work.
    "Everything ok?"  Max asked her as he took a drink of his coffee. 
    Glancing over at the tanned, dark brown haired guy she smiled.  "Yeah, just dread going shopping. Still kinda tired."
    "Well you did have a long night last night", he told her grinning.
    "Whatever, just eat your food or I'll tell Jacie you're being mean to me."  Cadance said.  As she spoke Jacie came back into the room.  She had dressed in much the same way as Cadance. 
    Her pale blonde hair pulled up in a ponytail, she wore a deep purple tank top and black yoga pants.  Max reached over to smack her on the butt as she walked by. Grinning she gave him a quick kiss. 
    "Love ya, babe", she told him as she turned to look at Cadance.
    "Ready?" she asked.
    "Yeah.  Just let me run and brush my teeth real quick."  Running down the hall, Cadance quickly brushed her teeth and pulled on her black running shoes.  She didn't run but she had loved the way they looked and just had to buy them.
    Going into the living room she saw Jacie and Max sitting on the couch.  AS she entered the room her friend stood up.
    "Ready?"  Cadance asked as she grabbed her purse from the small table by the door.
    "Yep" , Jacie said grabbing hers also.
    "All right lets go.  Bye Max", Cadance said receiving a slight wave.
    "Bye, babe. Love ya", Jacie called to him as they left the apartment.
    "Is he ok with this?"  Cadance asked as they walked down the stairs from their second floor apartment.
    "Oh, he'll be watching some kind of sports all day", Jacie said waving her hand in dismissal.  She walked out the door of the apartment building, Cadance followed her.
    Chapter 2
    "Oh, this is really cute", Jacie gushed over a sleeveless white and navy blue chevron dress.
    "That is cute but, is it what I need to wear for work?"  Cadance asked contemplating the dress. "I want to look sophisticated", she added as she picked the dress up.  She held it by the hanger, running her fingers over the soft material.
    "It will look good on you"< Jacie told her.  "And yes it's nice enough for you to wear to work.  You don't have to look boring to look sophisticated."
    "Ok, I'll get it", Cadance said draping the dress over her left arm.
    "So, have they told you what all you'll be doing in your new position?'  Jacie asked as the continued to browse through the racks of clothes.
    "Just that the girl that left answered the phones, arranged meetings, and whatever else the boss needed.  SO I guess I'll be like a secretary or person assistant."  Cadance said shrugging.  She really didn't care what it was, as long as she got away from the filing department.
    She had went to school for four years to get a Bachelor’s degree in liberal arts. 

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