By the Light of the Scottish Moon - Unrated (My Kilted Wolf, #1)

Free By the Light of the Scottish Moon - Unrated (My Kilted Wolf, #1) by Red Phoenix Page A

Book: By the Light of the Scottish Moon - Unrated (My Kilted Wolf, #1) by Red Phoenix Read Free Book Online
Authors: Red Phoenix
Tags: Romance, Highlander
to Kilchoan was long, bumpy and slow, but the countryside was breathtakingly beautiful. Green, low rolling hills, pockets of water, and the crumbling remnants of castles seduced her. It was as if time had stood still here, while the rest of the world relentlessly marched on.
    Freya laughed with joy, struck by the fact that one could actually believe in fairies and nymphs in this place. The magical feeling the scenery inspired was enchanting!
    She didn’t hurry her drive, arriving at her destination just as the sun set. Pulling into the driveway, Freya took a sharp intake of breath. The view was beautiful—the oranges and purples of the sky reflecting their radiance on the water below.
    Freya jumped out of her car and stood in humble silence, breathing in the sweet fragrance of the garden as the sun slowly disappeared behind the horizon. She mourned the fact she only had a few of these miracles left to witness.
    Dragging her heavy suitcases on the ground, Freya deposited her many pieces of luggage just inside the doorway and abandoned them there, feeling far too tired to unpack. Instead, she heeded the irresistible call of the spiraling staircase and giggled in childish delight when she saw the large canopy bed.
    Freya curled up on the fluffy bed, promising herself that she would only rest her eyes for a few minutes, but she didn’t wake until midnight. She was surprised to find her room lit up by the glow of a full moon. She ventured outside to admire it, shivering in the cold night air.
    Truly, the moon was an extraordinary and mysterious thing.
    I’m going to miss it. I’m going to miss it all…

    The next day, Freya laid out her map and circled all the castles she wanted to visit. Even though time was not on her side, she decided her first day should be one of pure exploration—no agendas. She packed a simple lunch, took her allotted pills and headed out for the day.
    After hours of driving through the rolling countryside, she happened on an overgrown dirt road that seemed tempting. She felt a thrill of excitement as the road slowly dwindled down to a thin, overgrown trail, indicating no one had traveled this way in a long time.
    Freya’s heart beat faster as she followed it, certain she was about to stumble onto a priceless treasure few others had seen. She actually held her breath as she crested a large hill, pleased beyond words when she reached the top and saw the lonely castle beside a lake.
    This is the stuff fairytales are made of!
    Parking the car a respectful distance away as not to disturb the ancient site, she grabbed her picnic basket and made her way towards the castle. There was something bewitching about the medieval fortress, something otherworldly—even dangerous.
    As she stepped over the stones that had once made up the castle walls, she wondered who had owned it and how many people had lived within its once protective barricades.
    She swore she could feel the presence of those who were long since dead still lingering in this place. The feeling wasn’t one of fear or dread but of belonging, and it filled her with a sense of peace as she explored the ruins. One unforeseen benefit of dying was that she no longer had to concern herself with her safety. She had spent her entire life being cautious and practical, but now she had the freedom to be completely reckless.
    Freya set down the picnic basket, and eagerly climbed the crumbling stairs of a turret without a second thought. The stone staircase was covered in debris, pieces of it dislodging as she gingerly made her way up. They echoed ominously as they bounced down the stairs to the ground below.
    She actually slipped once, almost taking the same tumble as the stones. However, she was determined to make it to the top and did not let her fear of falling stop her. She was too entranced. The coldness of the stone and the darkness of the castle added to the otherworldly atmosphere. She felt as if the spirits were guiding her upwards, encouraging her

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