By the Light of the Scottish Moon - Unrated (My Kilted Wolf, #1)

Free By the Light of the Scottish Moon - Unrated (My Kilted Wolf, #1) by Red Phoenix Page B

Book: By the Light of the Scottish Moon - Unrated (My Kilted Wolf, #1) by Red Phoenix Read Free Book Online
Authors: Red Phoenix
Tags: Romance, Highlander
lack of caution.
    Small openings within the wall gave her glimpses of the spectacular view waiting for her at the top. When she finally neared it, a sharp pain in her belly doubled her over. She grasped the wall trying to soften her fall as she tumbled down several stairs.
    Freya held back the tears as she got back on her feet. Common sense insisted she head back down, but she resented that her cancer was trying to steal this moment from her.
    “Fuck you!” she growled at her body, forging forward with renewed resolve as she crawled on hands and knees the last few steps. When she made it to the top, she huddled in a fetal position as she waited for the pain to ease. When it finally passed, she pushed herself up and let out a satisfied sigh.
    The height of the turret gave her an unobstructed view of the entire area. She could appreciate why the castle had been built here. No one would be able to attack it without ample warning. It was a worthy stronghold.
    She was curious how many battles had been fought here and how many kings had died defending it. So much history, so many lives had been lost… Freya closed her eyes and could almost hear the screams and the sound of swords clanging violently below.
    Exhaustion forced her to lie down on the cold stone. Although she fought it, Freya soon found herself drifting off. Swirls of strange and unfamiliar images flooded her mind. She resisted them initially, but then gave in and let them carry her away.
    She imagined herself a part of the castle staff—a young man, a soldier of the lord of the castle.
    I stand with pride at my watch. It is my duty to protect, and I am fully prepared to die to guarantee my Lord’s safety. However, it is not just for him I am fighting. I also protect a young woman, the girl I plan to marry. I would die a million deaths for her.
    I spot an invading army on the horizon and warn the castle inhabitants. They rush about below me, preparing to defend it, but everyone is in a jovial mood. The opposing army is comprised of only a handful of men compared to the multitudes housed within the walls of our castle.
    “We will go out and meet them,” my officer commands.
    With pleasure I ride out with the others, laughing inwardly at the invading force standing before me. The men aren’t even on horses and don’t stand a chance against us.
    As we ride up, a tall man of impressive stature advises our army, “Surrender now or I promise everyone will die. Not one of yer kind will remain.”
    “Who dares to threaten Lord Graham?” my commanding officer demands.
    “Who we are does not concern ye.”
    Our commander is obviously angered by their lack of respect and barks, “Leave now before I lose patience with ye and yer lot.”
    “This is yer last warning,” the other man states coldly. “Either surrender now or die.”
    I notice an unnatural glow coming from the eyes of the opposing army. It sends shivers down my spine. There is something unnatural about these men, something terrifying.
    For the first time fear sets in our troop where before there had been only arrogance.
    My commander pulls out his sword in answer. “The only blood that will be spilled this day shall be yers.”
    The small band of men grin at each other and then begin ripping off their clothes. I realize now they must be crazy and pull out my sword, ready to put them out of their misery.
    It will be a slaughter…

The Chosen

    A lone wolf’s howl startled Freya out of her dream. She opened her eyes and was unnerved to see that it was dark. Had she really been dreaming that long?
    She stood up unsteadily and looked towards the direction of the cry. Far off in the distance she spotted a large bonfire. Curious who would be out so late, she carefully made her way back down the stairs with the help of the pale light of the moon. As Freya approached the huge fire, she admired the unusual tree towering over it. The tree’s naked, skeleton white branches seemed to reach up towards the night

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