A Spit In The Eye - For The Benefit Of Mankind
who operated on the little
    I want
their demise
    And I
shall have it
    I shall
have it
long hours of transmission
Office turned off the broadcast and set me free into the
    And when
I stepped out of the fortress
discovered that the weather was most inclement
was pouring from the skies above
for my planning
    I bring
the shutters down over my optical devices the moment I step out
into the dark and I step into the forest where
    For a
    I lean
with my right upper limb upon a tree
    And I
feel comfort from doing it
    As great
sadness takes over my systems
little Human will be burned
    As many
have been burned before it
    It is
gone from the fortress and my existence forever
    And that
thought increases the feelings of sadness inside me
    But I
must consider only distinctive actions if I am ever going to change
    And after
my moment of leaning on a tree
    I begin
to speed away
the trees
    And I am
so familiar with both my internal inertial mapping system and the
area that I have patrolled for over 100 years that I pass through
the forest at speed without colliding with any object or crashing
into any animal of the fields
    I speed
down the hill upon which the fortress stands and speed some
distance across the plain
the liquid continues to fall from the skies
    Until I
arrive at a narrow passage which is a crack in the hard rock of 2
    A narrow
passage with a small rill of liquid running out of it which runs
down to the larger hole of water
into the land from the far end of the passage
    It is
somewhere I discovered many light and darknesses ago and it is
somewhere that has never been properly patrolled by me because High
Office momentarily lost contact with me when I entered
    Which I
perceived had happened
    And I
reversed out and was ordered by High Office never to enter the
passage again
    So I know
I am going to be out of contact with High Office
    Though it
has no ideas about where I am because my shutters are
    But I
know what is in the passage
    At the
far end of it
    There is
a hole
    A huge
hole in the hill
    And I’m
going in
observe if there any Humans in there
    But not
recording the event
into my private memory
    And if
they are there
    I shall
find them
    Though I
know I will have to be careful because they will dislike my species
and will do me harm
up to
    And who
can blame them when we treat their little ones with so much
    They will
never think well of us if we keep doing such things
    I arrive
at the hole and liquid teems down from above and hides the entrance
though I know it is there
    Ahead of
    I move
the liquid
    Into the
    And I
lift the covers over my optical devices
    Ahead of
me there is only darkness
    But all
is fine with me because of the ultraviolet aspect to my
    I discern
great rock all around me
    But no
    Though I
would not expect to find them to be so close to the entrance for
High Office may have found them or detected them
    I do not
detect any Humans
with my optical or my hearing devices
    Or with
my proboscis
    I move
forward cautiously
    For I do
not want to scare any Humans I may find and I certainly do not wish
to be exterminated by them
    I move
deeper into the hole
    And the
ground descends steeply ahead of me and I follow its downward
    Down and
down I proceed
down into planet Earth than any Machine has ever been
    And the
median temperature is falling all around me
    But ahead
of me
distance ahead
    I detect
    I cease
all movement and stand as still as I possibly can which is very
still indeed
    There is
no doubt
    There is
heat rising ahead and from below of me
    And the
memory section of my core informs me that the deeper a member of my
species proceeds into the hole then the median temperature should
become cooler
    But there
is heat ahead of me

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