Anything for a 'B' (MF)
Anything For a ‘B’
    by Francis Ashe
    Copyright 2012 Francis Ashe
    Smashwords Edition
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    The fourth week of classes had just ended and
with it, the first round of exams. Jamie had desperately wanted to
get at least a ‘B’ in all of her classes to keep her scholarship.
She was interested far more in her Introduction to Sociology class
though, and not only because she wanted a good recommendation from
the professor. The teacher, Professor Hendricks, was young and
about six inches taller than she was. He always wore slightly baggy
suits, so it was hard to tell what was underneath, but from
experience she could tell that he took care of himself, even if he
was not particularly good at dressing.
    Jamie was nineteen and had started at the
University a year after most of her friends. She had always been
good at school, but lost interest her last year of high school and
had trouble affording the tuition. Once she managed to get a
scholarship though, she had decided to make the most of it. She met
her goal on all of her other exams. She got two perfect scores and
one ‘B’. She had to admit the Sociology test was a little harder
than the others, but that was because she spent most of her study
time actually fantasizing about Professor Hendricks, and getting
him out of his baggy suits.
    “Jamie Goode,” he called her name to fetch
her test paper. As she took it, making sure to look into his eyes
for as long as she could manage without feeling awkward, she knew
something was wrong. The class was small, only about thirty
students, and so there was more interaction between the students
and professor than in her other courses. The way he said her name
and the way he looked back at her when she went to the front of the
class spoke volumes. Returning to her desk, she opened the exam
book and almost fainted. A sixty two! I will never be able to
make this up on the final. I am going to lose this scholarship,
have to leave school, and worst of all Professor Hendricks is going
to think I am an absolute idiot. Her anxiety must have been
plain to see, because as soon as class was dismissed, Professor
Hendricks called her to the lectern as she was leaving.
    “Jamie, I know you can do better than your
exam shows. You are a very bright girl – did you just get nervous
during the exam? Did you have trouble finding the time to study?
Were you distracted by something?” he asked.
    “To tell you the truth, Dr. Hendricks, I was
distracted. I was very worried about getting high grades on all of
my exams this week and just got upset over it all,” she
    “That happens to the best of us. Happens to
me all the time anyway, I get all worked up over something and
can’t really do my best work when it comes down to crunch time. Why
don’t you come by my office tomorrow after my 10:00? I don’t have
office hours then, but that will give us more time to figure
something out,” he suggested.
    “I… I don’t know what to say, but thank you!”
was all she could manage before she had to rush out the door to her
next class.
    The next morning, Wednesday, she made sure to
wear a shirt from tenth grade. Her breasts hadn’t really filled out
until just after she graduated, so any clothes from earlier really
hugged her where it counted. She was thin, and not overly endowed,
but in these old shirts, her tits looked great she thought. Her ass
was a bit larger than her size would indicate so any jeans that
were the right size to fit her small waist were very

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