My Love Forever (The Night Movers Vampire Series Book 1)

Free My Love Forever (The Night Movers Vampire Series Book 1) by Helen Bright

Book: My Love Forever (The Night Movers Vampire Series Book 1) by Helen Bright Read Free Book Online
Authors: Helen Bright
Tags: Mystery, Humour, vampire, paranormal romance, Murder, Erotic, love, Viking
although I did complement him on his cooking. When we finished he poured me a cup of tea and I asked him, “Where do we go from here?”
    He sat back and sighed. “You know what I want Julia, What I said last night, it wasn’t just sex talk. I meant every word.”
    “How can that be though Alex, we hardly know each other at all? How can you know that you want me in your future?”
    “I recognised you as mine. I can’t explain in any better term than that. Our kind, both blood born and made vampires talk of having fated mates. Our fated mate is someone that we instantly know is meant to be ours. We don’t always fall in love with them straight away but it will happen and once we meet them we just know that while they are on this earth there will be no other for us.”
    “This is all new to me though. You can’t just expect me to..... I don’t know. I need to think about it. I need to get used to it Alex, to us.”
    “I loved being with you last night and how you gave yourself to me, trusted me with your body and your blood, well I want that always,” he said in such a sexy voice.
    I wanted to reach out and touch him but I didn’t. Instead I just asked, “How was that for you, my blood I mean, because let me tell you Alex I have never experienced a feeling like it?” “It was perfection. Your taste, your pleasure and your trust, it was amazing, like nothing I have ever felt before.” “We need to stop talking about it. If I get any harder I think my cock will break. And we can’t do anything about it because you are sore and won’t take my blood to heal,” He said shifting in his chair.
    I smiled then, determined to be brave this time.
    “Ok.” I said. “I will have your blood.”

Chapter 11
    I got up and went to Julia, then pulled her up towards me.
    She was really nervous and I didn’t want her to feel this way around me so I just said, “you can help me wash up and if you do a good job I may let you have some of my blood.”
    She smiled and said “slave driver” as she followed me to the sink.
    Julia started to relax a little and we began our task, me pretending now and again to inspect her work.
    It made me think how it could be for us as a couple, here in my home, doing ordinary domestic things together every day. I liked the images it brought to mind.
    I had an idea how to get her to take my blood so I said to her jokingly, “now my dear lady because you have done such a good job I shall reward you with a kiss,” and as I leaned over to kiss her I extended my fangs slightly and bit my lip until I tasted blood. I watched as she closed her eyes and kissed me and saw the moment when she tasted my blood as her eyes shot open and she tried to pull away.
    I just held her head to me and carried on kissing her, giving her all the passion I could find within me and she relaxed then started kissing me back with equal force. I pushed her against the wall and began to pull her skirt up her legs, wanting to take her hard and fast, and the way she was pulling my T shirt out of my jeans and running her hands around my back I knew she had the same thoughts.
    Just as I was about to strip her naked there was a knock at my door.
    Julia took her hands out from under my T shirt and straightened her skirt. The moment was lost and I wondered when I would get the chance to kiss her like that again.
    There was another knock, then the handle turned and in walked Gina with her arms full, closely followed by Nik.
    “Hi Alex I’ve brought your dry cleaning from Mr Singh,” Gina said dropping the items over a kitchen chair and then she turned and noticed Julia. “Oh its Julia isn’t it; I haven’t seen you for years now. Maggie said you would be taking over from her in the offices.”
    “Yes, I start Monday night,” said Julia.
    “Well that means you are free to come out with all of us ladies from work tomorrow night then. We go up town once a month then end up back in the village for the last hour of the

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