Blessed Are the Wholly Broken

Free Blessed Are the Wholly Broken by Melinda Clayton

Book: Blessed Are the Wholly Broken by Melinda Clayton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melinda Clayton
questions, please.
    Prosecutor:  And what is your mother’s name, Ms. Tyler?
    Cathy Tyler:  Connie Tyler.
    Prosecutor: And she lives with you, correct?
    Cathy Tyler:  Yes. It’s her house. It’s where Anna and I grew up.
    Prosecutor:  Ms. Tyler, do you know the defendant seated there at Counsel’s table?
    Cathy Tyler:  Yes.
    Prosecutor:  Tell the Court how you know the defendant.
    Cathy Tyler:  He is…was…my brother-in-law.
    Prosecutor:  And how long have you known him?
    Cathy Tyler:  I think twenty-two, no, twenty-three years now.
    Prosecutor:  What year did you meet him?
    Cathy Tyler:  Nineteen-eighty-nine, when he started dating my sister.
    Prosecutor:  He married your sister, didn’t he?
    Cathy Tyler:  Yes.
    Prosecutor:  What was the date of the wedding? 
    Cathy Tyler:  September 23, 1989.
    Prosecutor:  Were you in the wedding?
    Cathy Tyler:  Yes. I was the maid of honor.
    Prosecutor:  Where did the wedding take place, Ms. Tyler?
    Cathy Tyler:  At my parents’ house. The one in Munford.
    Prosecutor:  How long was your sister married to the defendant?
    Cathy Tyler:  It would have been twenty-three years last September.
    Prosecutor:  And how would you characterize their marriage?
    Defense Attorney:  Objection. Vague. The witness can’t possibly characterize….
    The Court:  Sustained. Rephrase your question, Counselor.
    Prosecutor:  Did you ever witness your brother-in-law, Mr. Lewinsky, being unfaithful to your sister?
    Cathy Tyler:  I witnessed him attempting to be unfaithful. Whether or not he ever succeeded, I couldn’t say.
    Prosecutor:  In fact, Mr. Lewinsky made a pass at you, didn’t he?
    Defense Attorney:  Objection. Leading the witness.
    The Court:  Sustained. Rephrase.
    Prosecutor:  Can you tell the Court what happened September 14, 1989?
    Cathy Tyler:  That was the week before Anna and Phillip—Mr. Lewinsky—were married. I was home that week, in Munford, helping Anna and my mother make plans for the wedding. I needed a break, so I decided to go outside for some fresh air. On my way to the door, Mr. Lewinsky, he grabbed me.
    Prosecutor:  How did he grab you, Ms. Tyler?
    Cathy Tyler:  He…he grabbed me by the hips and squeezed. He put one hand on each of my hips and pulled me against…pressed my front against his groin.
    Prosecutor:  You’re saying the defendant, Mr. Lewinsky, made a pass at you in your parents’ home just one week before marrying your sister?
    Defense Attorney:  Objection. Leading, asked and answered.
    The Court:  Sustained.
    Prosecutor:  That wasn’t the only time Mr. Lewinsky made sexual overtures towards you, was it?
    Defense Attorney:  Objection. Leading the witness.
    The Court:  Overruled. I’ll allow it. You can answer, Ms. Tyler.
    Cathy Tyler:  No.
    Prosecutor:  What happened the week of April 10, 2000?
    Cathy Tyler:  Anna, my sister, had just had a miscarriage. I went to stay with her, to…to help her. One night after she went to bed, Phillip—Mr. Lewinsky—grabbed me in the dark. I had gotten up to get a drink of water. I wasn’t…I wasn’t fully dressed. I wasn’t expecting to see anyone, but maybe I should have known, after what he’d done before….
    Defense Attorney:  Objection. Narrative. Motion to strike that last part.
    The Court:  Overruled. Continue.
    Cathy Tyler:  I only had on a t-shirt and underwear, and I was going down the hall, going back to bed after getting a drink of water in the kitchen, when all of a sudden he was there. He shoved into me, knocked me against the wall. Then I felt his hands on me…on my…on my breasts. He was feeling my breasts. He was so rough…he hurt me….
    Prosecutor:  Are you okay, Ms. Tyler?
    Cathy Tyler:  I’m…I’m fine. It’s just hard to talk about.

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