Forward Passes (Seattle Lumberjacks)

Free Forward Passes (Seattle Lumberjacks) by Jami Davenport

Book: Forward Passes (Seattle Lumberjacks) by Jami Davenport Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jami Davenport
with herself, Lavender put her hands on the counter and pushed her body backward a step. “Go away.” The tremor in her voice didn’t add much bite to her words. He got to her, big-time, and she couldn’t seem to do a damn thing about it.
    Tyler laughed, the kind of deep belly laugh that sucked others into his web. “Not until you and I have taken care of our unfinished business.” He grabbed her hand and rubbed the sensitive spot on the underside of her wrist. She shuddered and yanked her hand away.
    “If I believed once would be enough to get you off my back, I’d gladly swallow my scruples for one night.”
    “One night with me is never enough, darlin’. I’m a greedy man, I have plans for you. Plans that’ll fill up the next two months so keep your calendar clear. At least your nights.”
    “You are the most egotistical, maddening, obnoxious man I’ve ever met.”
    “Thank you. I work hard at it. It’s nice to see my efforts appreciated.” Standing, Tyler guzzled the last of his beer, sketched a salute in her direction, and wandered over to a table. Lavender watched him go, torn between wishing Tyler would hustle his nice ass back to the mainland and wishing he’d stay.
    Like iron to a magnet, he pulled her in, teased her with his intense blue eyes, charmed her with his ready smile, came onto her like a master. It was the master part that bothered her. A master at seduction. The more she resisted, the harder he campaigned. The man thrived on competition. She’d unwittingly created a competitive atmosphere for a man who loved the chase as much as the capture.
    Tyler signaled to her with a wave of his hand. “I’ll take another beer, Vinnie.”
    She stiffened and studied him for a moment. If she cut him off, maybe he’d go home, and she’d dodge a bullet for one more night. She crossed to the room and sat a glass of water in front of him.
    He blinked and looked up in surprise. “What the fuck is this?”
    “You’ve had enough.”
    “What? I’ve only had two.”
    “That’s more than enough.”
    “Why? I’m being a good boy? Wait. That’s the problem, isn’t it? You like my bad boy side better.”
    “You only have a bad boy side. And I don’t like it. Not one bit.”
    “There goes that lying thing again.”
    “You’ve had enough to drink because I’ve had enough of you.” She wiped the table, snapping his hand with the towel.
    He jerked his hand back. “What the fuck was that for?”
    She leaned toward him. “I don’t like jocks, remember?”
    “Awww, darlin’, give me a fucking chance.”
    “In your dreams.” She held out the jar. He had three dollars ready for her. “We’ll be able to build a new high school with the money you’re putting in this jar.”
    Tyler’s gaze slid down her body. “You really do have a great ass.”
    “You are an ass.” She almost smiled. Despite her reservations about him as a person, she enjoyed their verbal sparring as much as he did.
    “Thank you. I work fucking hard at it.” He dropped another buck in the jar. His eyes danced with pleasure. Instead of getting rid of him, she’d done the opposite. He didn’t look like he’d be going anywhere for a while. In fact, he seemed pretty darned complacent.
    “You should work on that potty mouth of yours.”
    “You think I have a potty mouth?”
    “Uh, duh. Show a little class.”
    Tyler frowned, and his brows drew together in a tight line, as if she’d offended him.
    “I’ll bet you can’t go a week without saying the “F” word.” She threw out the challenge before she’d given it much thought.
    “Really? What’s the bet?” He sat up straighter, looking intrigued and wicked.
    “A hundred dollars toward the Veteran Hall’s improvement fund.”
    He scratched his chin, drawing her attention to his strong, square jaw line. “That’s pretty steep.”
    “Pocket change to you.” She stared at the dark stubble on his face and imagined how it’d feel scraping across her nipples.

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