BRAVE, Episode Three - the Color of Danger
sixth sense about your boy.” He stuck his thumb out and jerked it in Sunshine’s direction.  
    “No problem,” she mumbled, rising swiftly and dabbing at the wetness on her face.  
    His gaze travelled to her and then back to the silver car where George sat, glaring straight ahead, jaw set.  
    “Everything all right?”  
    “Of course,” she replied, resisting the urge to bite her lip, “mind helping me with this?”  
    Liam rubbed the back of his neck, “Right, yeah.” He placed a hand on Destiny’s mane and tugged lightly. “C’mon girl. Time to get home.”  
    She didn’t budge, but Liam wasn’t taking no for an answer. He used her neck as leverage and swung himself onto her back, as easy as that. Knight in shining armor, much?  
    “What about your truck?” Mel stammered.  
    “I’ll get one of the farmhands to come out for it, later,” he answered, then reached down a hand to her.  
    Did he want her to go with him?  
    “It was nice seeing you again.”  
    Oh. Blind. He wanted a handshake. George’s glare burned a hole in the side of her face.  
    “Yeah,” she gave a small sad smile and picked Sunshine up, “you too.”  
    Then she turned away and walked off, leaving his outstretched hand between them. She hated herself more with every step towards the Audi and away from him. She hadn’t touched him; she’d obeyed orders. She wasn’t a woman, she was a coward.  
    Mel slid into the passenger seat and closed the door. Liam has already galloped off on the horse. She didn’t look at her fiancée.  
    “Atta girl,” he spoke up, testosterone and victory flooding his words.  
    The red truck disappeared in the rear-view mirror. Likely, she’d never see it again.

    * * * *


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