Moonbeams and magic

Free Moonbeams and magic by Janelle Taylor

Book: Moonbeams and magic by Janelle Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janelle Taylor
Tags: Fantasy fiction
    "No thanks. I'll be leaving now." She needed to put distance between them after two lengthy and trying encounters in the same night. He was far too appealing to suit her, and she could not bear the stress any longer.
    "Can I see you tomorrow night to get better acquainted as a team?" Dagan asked. "We'll be leaving on our first raid in two deegas and I have much to learn."
    A bold idea entered her mind. "What if someone else joins you first?"
    Dagan noticed instant, but rapidly concealed, vexation with herself after that query slipped fi-om her mouth. "Were you here earlier?"
    She had not made a rash slip, but pretended she had. She reasoned that if he didn't want to risk offending Starla, suspecting her interest would keep him ft^om making a premature move on Yana, as sexual overtures to Yana would force her into making a decision about how far she was willing to go for the success of her crucial mission. Too, Yana might not be able to extract clues if she didn't surrender to him.

    She also hoped that hearing she had sighted him with the sultry temptress would stress the point they were different women. A little encouragement might also pull him toward Starla in case he proved worthy of being trusted and asked to work with her on her assignment. Since he was a man who loved challenges, winning over a reluctant Starla should be enticing to him. If not, Yana would have to use him. "I'll see you around, Dagan Latu, if you stay past tomorrow," she said in parting.
    Dagan grasped her hand, forcing her to stay seated. Realizing he had done the same thing with Yana gave him an eerie feeling. Her hands were a little larger than the golden-haired beauty's, but Starla's were cool and just as soft. Her green eyes glittered in warning, a contrast to Yana's alluring blue ones. Her complexion was darker, but flawless and supple. Her figure, as perfect as Yana's. Comparing the two women was like trying to parallel night and day. Yana was desirable and provocative, but the space pirate had intoxicating spirit and vitality. Starla was strong; yet, still feminine. Yana was the type of female perfect for enjoyable company and pleasure, but Starla Vedris was of value at any time and place. "You don't like being attracted to me, do you?"
    She leaned so far forward that she knew he could smell the heady beverage on her breath and the fragrance she had applied after washing off Yana's scent. There was only a forearm's distance between their faces, and their challenging gazes were locked as she murmured, "Let's get one thing straight, Dagan: work is all we'll do together, and only if Tochar teams us up after your meeting with him; so keep your feelings and thoughts to yourself. Better still, find a woman who will be responsive to them. I'm not."
    Dagan did not release his grip when she tugged to get loose. He sensed her increase in tension and saw the way her gaze engulfed him. Surely he wasn't mistaken about the

    desire glowing in her eyes. "If you're referring to Yana, we met by accident. She needed rescuing from nuisances."
    "I'm sure she did, and you were only too eager to help her. Let's drop this topic because you two aren't of interest to me."
    "As you can see, Starla, I'm still here and she's gone."
    "I doubt that was your idea, so don't try to mislead or charm me. I've met men like you before, so don't think you can blast off with me."
    "You're wrong, Starla, you've never met anyone like me, so don't be afraid to get to know me; I'll behave myself during that process." As if to prove his words, he released her hand and leaned back in his chair.
    "If you give me trouble, Dagan, Tochar will have to choose between us. If you behave, we'll work together just fine. Good night."
    "Good night, Starla, and thanks again for saving my life."
    "Just don't make me regret it," she quipped.
    Starla passed Sach as she was departing for the landing grid. She halted to talk with him for a few preons. Afterward, while en route to her shuttle, she

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