The Return of the Fallen Angels Book Club (A Hollis Morgan Mystery 3)

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Book: The Return of the Fallen Angels Book Club (A Hollis Morgan Mystery 3) by R. Franklin James Read Free Book Online
Authors: R. Franklin James
sagged in her chair, pressed her fingertips to her forehead and nodded. They both stood, and eyes downcast, shoulders slumped, walked slowly out of the office.
    Hollis slipped into a chair and closed her eyes.
    Tiffany entered the room. “Are you okay?”
    She nodded as a bead of sweat slipped down her back.
    The rest of Monday was uncommonly quiet, and Hollis was grateful. The morning had been a little too active. She would leave early, which would give her time to stop off at the store to buy groceries for dinner. But before that, she had a few wrap-up questions that needed answers.
    She spoke with one of the other attorneys in the firm who dealt with real estate matters and received confirmation on the legal steps required to file a proper trespassing action.
    Next she’d find out the local law enforcement procedures for clearing out the Pattersons. Then she would try one more time to reason with Shelby and her father about reaching an agreement and explain the cost of taking formal legal action.
    “Sergeant Grayson, this is Hollis Morgan. I don’t know if you remember me. I used to be a paralegal with Dodson Dodson and Doyle, and you would sometimes give me Sheriff’s Department help.”
    “Sure, I remember you, Hollis. What can I do for you?”
    “Well, now I’m an attorney, and it looks like I still need help from the sheriff’s office.” Hollis propped the phone against her ear while typing on her laptop. “I’ve got quarreling family members who won’t get off my client’s property. She legally owns it and wants to sell.”
    “Let me guess. They currently live there.”
    “Right. So I might have to file trespassing charges. Will you help me?”
    She could hear his laugh. “Glad to. What choice do I have? In your other life as a paralegal you helped me out many times. I’m going to email you a checklist of items I’m going to need. There’s no criminal activity going on, is there?”
    Hollis paused. “No, none that I know of.”
    He quickly went through the process. “Now, try and get the things on the list back to me by the end of the week. I’m going on vacation in a short while and it sounds like it would be better if I could get this wrapped up before then.”
    “You got it, and thank you.” Hollis hung up.
    She had one more call to make.
    “Shelby, can you talk?”
    Shelby hesitated. “Sure, Hollis, let me get comfortable. Rena’s at work and the babysitter went to pick up Chris from pre-school. What’s the matter?”
    “Your father was here to see me last Thursday. He was understandably upset and he is unwilling to move out. Then today Sonny and Joy came to my office.”
    “I don’t care about them. But what did Dad say?” Her voice shook and rose in volume.
    Hollis held the phone away from her ear and counted to three. She used the same trick on Shelby as she had on her stepfather and lowered her voice. “Calm down. He talked about his relationship with his mother and gave his side of the story for why she left you the house.”
    Shelby sighed. “He just wanted you to feel sorry for him.”
    Hollis imagined Shelby’s sullen expression. “I was surprised when I met your stepfather. He seemed totally rehabilitated from any addiction. He was very articulate.”
    “Yeah, well, he puts on a good act,” Shelby said sarcastically. “Don’t let him fool you.” Then she changed her tone. “I mean he’s not evil. He’s clean now and he’s my dad. We all just need to get through this. Did you believe him?”
    “I don’t have to believe him. You’re my client. But he did say he wasn’t leaving the house. It was the only place he and his kids have to live. Your sib … I mean Sonny and Joy were equally confrontational.”
    “They’re not really my brother and sister. I barely know them.” Shelby was breathing heavily, but her voice was calmer. “You see, I knew this was going to happen. So you’re going to have to evict them.”
    “Actually, you can’t evict them

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