The Trouble With Bodyguards: Part 1

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Book: The Trouble With Bodyguards: Part 1 by Kristina Blake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristina Blake
good-looking man in her apartment, gazing at her as she wandered through the apartment half naked, teasing him with her body. But not now, not this man, not like this.
                  Her phone rang, drawing her attention away from her misery, and she flung the pillow to the floor, reaching to the bedside table and grabbing it. She peered at the tiny screen before answering. It was Stephen, her assistant. “Hey, Stephen,” she said, sitting up. “What’s up?”
                  “Um,” he said, concern in his tone. “Are you still in bed?”
                  “Sort of,” she said, “why?”
                  “Because we have that meeting,” he hesitated, “with the Maybelline people, in like half an hour. I thought you’d be here by now.”
                  “Oh fuck,” she said, glancing at the clock on the bedside table. She had slept in. “Fuck! I’ll be there,” she said, jumping out of bed and racing to the closet. “Try and stall them, I’ll be there as quickly as I can.” Tossing the phone onto the bed, Alex quickly flipped through her closet, pulling out her black slacks and blouse, the closest thing to a “professional” outfit that she could find in a hurry. She yanked her tank top over her head, dropping it to the floor, and stepped out of her panties. Standing naked in her room, she contemplated the time needed to shower and wash her hair. No time, she’d have to wing it.
                  Dashing out of her room a few minutes later, buttoning her pants as she jogged to the bathroom, she collided with Rick, who was walking to the kitchen, a coffee cup in his hand. Steaming hot coffee spilled from the cup, dousing the front of his t-shirt and pants, splashing onto the front of Alex’s blouse.
                  “Ow!” Alex yelled in pain, pulling her shirt away from her skin. “What the hell?”
                  “What do you mean what the hell?” he yelled back, setting the cup down on the counter. “You’re the one who ran into me!”
                  “You’ve been in my way ever since you got here!” she yelled. “I can’t even go to the fucking bathroom without you being there.”
                  “Maybe if you would pay a little more attention,” he said, yelling, “I wouldn’t need to be here at all!”
                  “Get the hell out of my way,” she said. “I’m late, and I don’t have time for your shit.”
                  She stormed into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her. She needed to get rid of him. He was driving her crazy, and it was only the first day. She had thought that she could find a way to deal with this, with having a glorified babysitter hanging around, to make her father feel more at ease, but this just was not going to work out. Running a brush through her hair, she pulled it into a tight knot on the back of her head, and put some mascara on her eyelashes. This would have to do. She just didn’t have time.
                  He was standing in the kitchen when she came out, having changed into a white t-shirt while she was away. She paused, admiring the way that the shirt clung to him, silhouetting the powerful muscles of his chest and arms, the taut, flat stomach. Alex’s heart skipped a beat, and her libido stood up and demanded that she give it some attention.
                  “You ready to go?” he asked, slipping his holster on over his t-shirt. This only had the effect of making him look threatening, dangerous, which in turn made him even more appealing.
                  “Almost,” she said. “What are you going to do?”
                  “I’m going to go with you,” he said.
                  “You mean you’re going to follow me,” she said, stepping into her black sandals.
                  “No,” he said,

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