Emotion built in Po’s eyes, and as he looked at Liberty he saw Scarlett’s face. He pulled his hands back as if he had touched a hot stove, then stood uncomfortably to his feet.
“We split the money last night three ways. You have more than enough to take care of yourself,” Po said before he walked out of the room. He went into the bathroom and leaned over the sink as he gripped the sides. Scarlett’s face was a constant in his brain as he thought of Liberty’s scar.
Could she have Scar’s heart? he thought. He shook the notion from his head, knowing that it was too big of a coincidence to be true. Liberty’s demeanor was so similar to Scarlett’s, however, that he couldn’t help but compare the two. The death of his fiancée had done a number on him, and he knew that he couldn’t jump headfirst into the game while in such a vulnerable state. Get it together, he thought. He exhaled loudly and exited the bathroom to find Liberty standing outside the door, duffel bag hanging from her arm.
“I’m out of here,” she said. “Thank you again.” She kissed his cheek, then weakly limped toward the door. Liberty was barely able to stand, and it looked as if the weight of the duffel bag would cause her to fall over. She needed medical attention and time to heal, but what she wanted most wasto run as far away from L.A. as she possibly could. When she felt safe then she would stop and tend to her wounds.
“Where are you headed?” Po asked.
Liberty paused in uncertainty as she thought of an answer. The money in her hands was a passport to opportunity. It was possible for her to go anywhere and do anything she pleased. It was enough to purchase her security, but still she felt lost. Without A’shai, she felt lonely. Without love, she felt hopeless.
“I don’t know,” she replied. “I’ve never made a decision like this before. Someone else always decided for me. My destiny has never been in my own hands.”
Saying it aloud made her realize just how much of a captive she had been. Liberty was a caged bird. She had never flown on her own, and the thought of doing so now terrified her.
“Well, now’s your chance, shorty. If you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to call,” Po said. “After the goldmine you led me to, you have a friend on the West Coast for life.”
Liberty smiled and nodded her head, somewhat sad that they were about to part ways.
“I don’t even know what to do first,” Liberty admitted. “What do I do? Where do I go? I don’t even know where home is. I’m just . . .”
“Lost,” he finished for her.
Liberty nodded and peered at him with a bashful smile.
“Then take some time to think about it. You can stay here for awhile. The suite is paid up for the next couple of weeks. You’re welcome to collect your thoughts here, ma,”Po said. “You will barely see me. All I need the room for is to sleep and eat. The rest of my time will be spent getting acquainted with the streets of L.A.”
“Really?” she asked.
Po took the duffel bag off her shoulders. “Really, Liberty. I would enjoy the company, and besides, I need somebody to help me count all the money I’m about to make.”
“Now that I can do!” she said with a laugh.
Po grabbed her hand and pulled her over to the hotel safe. He stuffed her money inside and turned his head.
“Enter a combination. You’re the only one who will have access to your money. I want you to feel completely comfortable,” Po said as he looked her in the eyes. “From the way you talk, it seems like you’ve fallen victim to a lot of people. I’m not one of them. You’re good here.”
His words tugged at Liberty, and she wondered where this man had come from. He seemed noble and protective, the way that A’shai had been. Liberty entered a combination, then turned to Po.
“Thank you,” she said.
Po nodded his head, and then retreated to the second bedroom, his head spinning. Liberty had no idea what her
Gay Hendricks, Kathlyn Hendricks