The Bee Charmer (Sweet Treat Series Book 2)

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Book: The Bee Charmer (Sweet Treat Series Book 2) by Jamallah Bergman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jamallah Bergman
    “Don’t be, I should have stopped before you even started.”
    “Well, why didn’t you?”
    “It’s not every day that I have a handsome men getting me alone in a room, up against a table, especially when it’s someone I work for. Don’t get me wrong, it was very nice and I rather enjoyed it, and even though we have become friends while I’ve been here, I am still your employee, I work for you.”
    In a way, she was right Jeremy thought. He was her employee and the last thing that his family needed was a scandal or lawsuit for sexual harassment. “I’m sorry Pamelia. The last thing I want for you to feel is uncomfortable here working for us.”
    She took his hands in hers. “And you haven’t. Compared to the last job I had, I haven’t been so relaxed and carefree in all my life until I came to the farm here.”
    “Well, I’m glad that we are doing our part. I’ll let you get back to your work then.” He brought her hands up to his lips, still never taking his eyes from her gaze. He could tell when his lips touched her skin that it unnerved her as she bit into lower lip ever so slightly. When he put her hands back down, Jeremy gave her a playful wink and left her alone in the workroom.
    The afternoon air was a welcomed feeling while he walked out of the shop. Jeremy needed to awaken from his dreamlike state. He took in a heavy breath as he made his way to his office. He’d already come to the conclusion that he was infatuated with this woman, there was no ifs ands or buts about it…he had it bad for the hazel eyed black beauty. For the first time in Jeremy’s life, he realized that this beautiful distraction was messing him up at work. He had a hard time concentrating every waking moment. His mind was on her and her alone. Once he passed by his father’s office and made it to his own, he could hear his father’s footsteps coming from up the hallway.
    “Hey, son,”
    “Hey Dad, what’s going on?”
    “I needed those forms that you were supposed to give me two days ago.”
    Jeremy knew he’d fucked up big time, because he’d indeed completely forgot. Going into the file cabinet, he looked through the files and pulled out one of the folders with the necessary papers that he needed. “Here you go. I’m sorry about that.”
    “Is there something on your mind son? I’ve noticed how off you’ve been for a while.”
    “Let’s just say I have a lot on my mind right now. I hope to fix it soon.”
    “Alright then, I’ll check on you later. You might want to go and check on the hives.”
    He left Jeremy to once again, ponder his thoughts but of course, something else interrupted….the buzzing of his cell phone. Looking at it, he realized it was Lily calling him, “Hey Lily, what’s going on?”
    “Oh, nothing much, I wanted to ask you something but you were in such a daze and left out so quick, I didn’t get the chance.”
    “What is it?”
    “My friend is having an art exhibit at her studio tonight and she invited me and Tyler to it and told me to invite some more people. I asked Pamelia if she wanted to go and she said she did, but I know she didn’t want to be a third wheel with us. So, I thought I’d ask if you might go with us.”
    This was his chance, his chance to probably talk with her more. “Sure, what time is going to be?”
    “Just be ready by seven thirty and we’ll go and pick her up along the way into town. See you then.”
    Lily hung before he could actually say anything else, but he knew by her playful tone that she knew how he felt about Pamelia. Also…if she knew, his mother would of course…know all about it as well.
    Then Jeremy kept his mind on his work for once, dealing with calls from new clients, making sure the machines were operational. Then dealing with the hives and the bees for he felt at home amongst the hives and bees more than anything. He could sit down while listening to their harmonious music. Tyler thought he was crazy for calling it that,

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