The Huntress Book 1 Memories
snowed since Christmas, but it's a terrible cold. After a few
seconds my hands are red. Until I finish up all my clothes, I will
definitely freeze. Anyway, I get used to the ice after a few
minutes. It'll be worse when my hands will thaw.
    “Isn’t that water ice?”
    I Jump. It seems that Sky has the same gift
to be inaudible.
    “Hi to you too." I say. What do you
    “After the color your hands are, purple-red,
red, I kinda appreciated well. Anyway, my question didn’t expect a
    I enjoy his tone, a bit facetious.
    “Come on, get out of here.” he tells me when
he's next to me.
    I have no time to react in any way when he
takes the clothes from my hands and he pushes me aside.
    “Excuse me.” He grins while he deepens his
hands in water.” Did I hit you really hard?”
    “I think you did make me a bruise.” I blame
him, but not angry at all, only embarrassed by what he was doing.
”Would you please, stop, and let me do my job?”
    Sky shrugs carelessly.
    The water is too cold for you.” he
    “And for you is not?”
    Sky does not respond, however.
    “Hey!” I tone up a little. I can’t be heard
on that side?”
    Again, no response from him. I muttered loud
enough to be heard. He grins, satisfied.
    “Get out of here!” I say once again.
    I put my hands on his shoulder and I try to
push him. It's like pushing a rock. He did not budge. Almost like
he doesn’t even feel me.
    “Are you on steroids?” I ask. “I can see you
have some muscle don’t you?”
    “Indeed, don’t I?” he cockers himself.
    Unwillingly, I laugh. He finishes washing my
stuffs, and then he puts them on a large stone.
    “You didn’t have to do that,” I say, quite
embarrassed, “but thanks. I hope your hands did not freeze.”
    His silence has now a specific meaning that I
fail to decipher. I looked questioningly at him.
    “Sky?” I stare at his yellow eyes. “What is
    “Look…” he says, in a hesitant tone. “You are
long enough now around me and Dane as you haven’t realized that we
are a little different from other human beings.”
    I nodded approvingly. I also knew this was a
delicate subject and that he was not willing to talk about it. Of
all people, I know best how it feels not wanting to talk about
certain things, to want to hide certain things.
    “You don't have to tell me anything.” I
finally say.” And I do not judge anyone for the lack of humanity.
And you don’t lack that.”
    The flickering in his eyes brings to
    “Dane does not lack it either.” he says
    Although my pulse began to fret, I admit
calmly, nodding.
    “I didn’t say he did.”
    “But you said nothing about him either.”
    I kick my lips, irritated.
    “Because we weren’t talking about him.” I
said pretty drily.
    “The hell we weren’t.” he snapped back at
    I look surprised at him because he seems
quite upset. But I keep my mouth shut. I don’t know what to tell
him and I do not want to talk about Dane.
    “Look,” he does a little calmer, “Pat, I like
you very much.”
    He can probably see on my face that I start
to freak, as he hastens to continue.
    “Whoa, stay still! Do not misunderstand me. I
like you a lot, indeed, and if there wouldn’t be other things in
the involved, maybe I would like you even more. But that can no
longer be.”
    I don't understand what he wants to say, but
that doesn’t interest me much. Sky continues then.
    “What I want to say is that you are something
special, something special for me, I swear. But Dane...”
    “Let's not talk about Dane, would you?” I say
spitefully.” I really appreciate you and care about you in some
way, but let's not talk about that anymore, okay?”
    “I do not understand you at all!” he tells me
angry. “Dane is right about you. You're a really nice comrade, but
that’s all you can be. You are very human, but only outside. Inside
is cooler than the outer frozen air!”
    His words

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