Devil Hath Come (an FBI/Romance Thriller ~book 7)

Free Devil Hath Come (an FBI/Romance Thriller ~book 7) by Morgan Kelley

Book: Devil Hath Come (an FBI/Romance Thriller ~book 7) by Morgan Kelley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Morgan Kelley
her eyes to flicker back, she was met with the complete and total opposite. Callen was a ball of nerves on the outside. His arms were defensively crossed over his chest and his warm, brown eyes told the story. He was a volcano ready to blow.
    It was only a matter of time.
    As they pulled into the driveway, all three exited the Denali. Outside was a gorgeous day, and Elizabeth couldn’t help but regret that they weren’t able to skip out of work and take one day off to be childish and have fun.
    She woul d make it up to them.
    Inside, Wyler was on the living room floor with all three kids surrounding him. Well, mostly. CJ was jumping on him and squealing in glee as he pulled on his long braid.
    “Oh look, he’s kicking the crap out of a man and pulling hair, just like his momma,” Elizabeth said laughing.
    When the little boy heard her voice, he toddled over with his arms out calling for her.
    It always made her heart quake to be called ‘ momma ’. This little Blackhawk had her wrapped around his little chubby fingers.
    “Oh, you’re my little chubba,” she cooed , as she scooped him up and kissed him in the fold of his neck until he squealed.
    Ethan reached her side and ran his hand down his son’s cheek. “Hey buddy. Do I get kisses too?”
    The little boy reached for his daddy and gave him a big toothy grin.
    If Callen wanted to find a way to let go of the anger, their kids were the way. Just seeing his family was the stress reliever that he desperately needed. The only problem was he didn't know who to grab first.
    Elizabeth beat him to Cat and scooped her up. She was wearing a pretty princess dress and chewing on her fingers.
    “Hello my little Cat. Mommy missed you,” she said, kissing her all over her face. “You look so beautiful. Did Granddad put you in this pretty princess dress on purpose?”
    Wyler laughed as he relinquished the youngest of the brood to Callen. “I don’t know how to do girls. Boys you let run with sharp objects to toughen them up.”
    Callen sucked in a breath in absolute horror . “What?”
    Everyone laughed.
    “Cal, he’s kidding,” she offered, touching his arm as he held EJ in his arms. “If he breaks one of them, then he knows that he’s fired.” Elizabeth winked at him.
    Finally, he figured out they were teasing him. It eased the pressure on his chest, and he was able to focus his attention on his two kids. He dropped a kiss on Cat’s head, and then snuggled his son.
    “What are you three doing home?” Wyler asked suspiciously. “Is it because Bly took the rest of the day off and you didn't think that I could handle it.”
    “Oh shit,” muttered Blackhawk. He’d forgotten their housekeeper was cutting out early. Generally, she stayed with Wyler in his apartment above the garage.
    “Uh oh,” Elizabeth muttered.
    “What?” Wyler asked, looking back and forth between them.
    “We just got called out into the field.” Ethan explained it all to his father and watched his face change too. Although his wife was the protective one in the family, the three men had come to the conclusion that anything bad needed to get through them to get to her. They’d become a Blackhawk suit of armor, so to speak.
    “Sweetheart, if I give you something to wear, will you?” Wyler asked with the concern in his voice quite evident.
    She went to his side and wrapped her arm around his waist. “Yes, Dad, but of course I will.”
    He needed a few minutes with his boys. “Take Cat with you. I need to prepare something.” What he wanted to do was warn his sons without pissing his daughter-in-law off.
    She was perplexed to say the least, but she went with it. Rarely was Wyler outwardly concerned about anything other than the kids. The man was fairly laid back .
    Elizabeth took her daughter up the stairs to begin packing. “Momma has to get some things, but you can play with my gun,” she said loud enough to torment Callen.
    She laughed the rest of the way up the

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