Dragon Alliance Dark Storm : Dark Storm

Free Dragon Alliance Dark Storm : Dark Storm by J. Michael Fluck

Book: Dragon Alliance Dark Storm : Dark Storm by J. Michael Fluck Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. Michael Fluck
so underwater.
    “This is from a fear of the Alliance Navy and a credit to the dragon and sea-elf escort, as well as our stationing of more wizards on the ships of our fleet,” Admiral Zewal stated.
    “I wish to share your enthusiasm, good Admiral, and it is also a curiosity as to why there have been few attacks on our warships from vessels under the Morgathian or any other standard than that of the pirate Blood Wolf flag,” Zalenth agreed with the senior admiral.
    Grommel was a man of short stature, being at least four inches shorter than Mkel, almost of dwarf height, but he was as tough as they came. His peppery black hair and thick black mustache accented his ruddy sea-worn complexion. He originated from the large northern island of Askala, which was a territory of the Alliance far off the northwest coast of the republic. His family then moved to the Ice Bay area, so he grew up accustomed to the sea and the cold.
    Askala was a large island that lay almost a thousand miles off the northwest coast of the republic. It was now a territory of the Alliance but was once inhabited by large populations of white dragons, ice giants, and gnolls. They plagued the small local communities and tribes, who survived on fishing, selective farming, and limited fur trading. After the Great War, the remainder of the evil creatures were driven off or slain, and then gemstones and gold were discovered. It was now becoming a solid source of the precious materials. A move was afoot to make it officially part of the republic and place a small weir there, but the main issue was that it was snow-covered a good part of the year and desperately needed a teleportation circle and a contingent of dwarves for the mining.
    Grommel was a vaunted veteran of the Great War; he and Zalenth had sent many chromatics to their deaths, as well as a host of other Morgathian foes. His dragonstone spear was a double-edged, long-bladed weapon that had incredible piercing ability and could fire brilliant prismatic energy bolts of great power. He was a good match for Zalenth, who was one of the oldest bronze dragons in the Alliance and had fought in both major dragon wars. Grommel had a unique personality in that he could be very serious in matters of urgency or battle but very light-hearted off duty. He could drink like a dwarf and reminded Mkel of one in spite of being a dragonrider; he had the greatest respect for him and Zalenth, as well as their abilities, wisdom, and general demeanor.
    Rem Weir was a mirror image of Rom Weir as far as construction and layout were concerned. It stood on the tip of the outcropping on the southern entrance to Sauric Bay. It had a similar complement of dragons to Rom Weir, with a total of thirteen, having had a young bronze recently hatched. Its garrison was also similar in strength and composition to Rem Weir, for they both were guardian fortresses for the bay and Draconia itself and also supported the Alliance Navy.
    “We understand and respect your opinions and observations and will look into these issues with a renewed vigor, Grommel. We also thank you for your efforts and leadership in these matters,” Becknor stated.
    “Zalenth, we are taking this renewed aggression both on and under the seas very seriously. Much insight and intelligence gathered to date has validated your suspicions. However, the fog is still very thick, and we do not know the exact nature of these signs,” Valianth echoed the dragonrider general’s sentiments.
    “Thank you, sir; Valianth, the concern is appreciated,” Grommel said graciously.
    “Thank you. Bkert, Rapierth, it is Atlean’s turn.”
    “General Becknor, Michenth, Valianth…” Rapierth nodded to all three. “Atlean Weir is currently undergoing a prosperous time. The trade shipping and merchants are doing very well, but the escort requirements are increasing. While for some strange reason, we have not had the local saragwin and pirate incursions that the northern weirs and port cities

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