Smoke and Mirrors

Free Smoke and Mirrors by Tiana Laveen

Book: Smoke and Mirrors by Tiana Laveen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tiana Laveen
about?” He waved his hand around, emphasizing his bewilderment.
    “I don’t know what you—”
    “No.” He cut her off at the pass. “I told you this was the last damn time.” He angrily pointed at her, waiting.
    She dropped her head, looked down in her lap like a child who’d been caught stealing. Slumping to the side, she resigned herself to finally tell the truth.
    “Smoke, I just…” Her eyes began to well up with tears. “I feel like I’m losing you. You’ve been distracted, like your head isn’t in it anymore. You’re distant. I don’t want to lose you, baby!” She shoved herself into him, sobbing on his chest. Her hair flowed against his body while she wrapped her slender arms around his neck again, this time gripping him possessively.
    “Felicia, you aren’t losing me. If I decide one day that I’ve had enough, you’ll be the first to know, alright?” He lifted her chin and looked into her eyes. “What I need you to do though, is get back to the way that you were because this clingy, insecure shit is stressing me the hell out. You know I don’t like all that begging and moving around me, getting in the way. Just relax, okay?”
    She nodded in understanding, sadness still spread on her face.
    “Okay, perfect. Now.” He turned the television off and gave her ass a friendly spank, causing her to relax a bit and giggle. “Tell me about the other apartment building. What did you find out?”
    “Well.” Her brow shot up. “You suspected right. It’s a ho house.”
    “Damn it!” He slammed his fist onto the arm of the chair. “I knew something wasn’t right. I didn’t see any of that shit when I went to look at the property before I bought it. I made sure of it. I didn’t see any women walking around until I’d signed the papers and went back over to check on construction. Who is it?”
    She smirked and covered her mouth, then looked away as if it was simply too ridiculous to say.
    “Stop playing games and tell me.” He wasn’t in the mood for this silly shit.
    “It’s a woman. Her name is Paris Raven. She is a madam.”
    He slumped in his seat and ran his hand over his forehead, feeling a great migraine coming on. He closed his eyes.
    I don’t believe this shit.
    Not only did he have competition now, but the competition had a damn vagina. He couldn’t handle this the way he would a man. No, madams were the worst—a different breed! Most of them were Fem-Nazis, ruthless bitches pretending to not be in heat. Women who acted like they had king-sized dicks, and could give it as well as receive it. He hated dealing with them in any capacity. They always threw their weight around, trying pitifully to demonstrate that they could go toe to toe with a man. He’d heard of Paris Raven, but had never officially laid eyes on her. Depending on how he played it, this would either be easy as pie, or his worst nightmare come true. He kicked himself once again for making such a foolhardy mistake. Upon seeing the damn property, his dick got hard—the possibilities had seemed endless…and now, so were the potential complications. He was getting sloppy.
    “Fuck!” He tossed the remote control on the table in front of him. His immaculate home was now filled with filthy, soiled energy as his thoughts jumped about.
    “I’m sorry, baby. Had I known where you were looking to purchase, I could have told you that she’s over there, checked it out for you first. Regardless, It’ll be okay, Smoke,” Felicia said reassuringly. “She doesn’t have anything on you, baby, and besides, that bitch better mind her business.”
    “It’s not smart to have two McDonalds across the street from each other, Felicia.” He looked at her wearily, as if this shit was elementary and she simply wasn’t getting it. “It doesn’t matter if the employees mind their business or not; people will have to choose, and that will split the profits. I’ve bought the shit now…” He threw up his hands and rolled his

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