
Free Horizons by Mickie B. Ashling

Book: Horizons by Mickie B. Ashling Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mickie B. Ashling
evening, and her reaction had destroyed what little appetite I had to begin with. We ate like robots, weighed down by her melancholy.
    “C LARK , it’s Mom.”
    I had the phone up to my ear, after being jarred awake by the incessant ringing.
    “I know who this is. Jesus, Mom, do you have to call so fucking early?”
    “Don’t be disrespectful!”
    “Sorry.” I groaned, wishing I could throw the phone up against the wall.
    “Your brother had the baby.”
    “You mean Linda had the baby.”
    “It’s another boy,” she moaned, disappointment echoing in her voice.
    “It’s just as well, Mom. She’d have grown up a tomboy with all the men in her life.”
    “That’s ridiculous, and you know it.”
    “Just trying to make you feel better.” I rolled over and smashed the pillow against my morning boner.
    “Can you come home and see them?”
    “What day is it?”
    “It’s Thursday.”
    “I’ll come for the weekend. I can’t leave today; I have a session with the doctor.”
    “What doctor? What’s wrong with you?”
    “Nothing’s wrong, Mom. I already told you, the guy who’s tutoring me is a doctor.”
    “I forgot he was a doctor.”
    “He’s a friend, who also happens to be a doctor.”
    “Is this working?”
    “I’m actually learning something.”
    “That’s wonderful, sweetheart. So, I’ll see you tomorrow night?”
    We disconnected, and I lay there, trying to return to sleep. It eluded me though, now that I was awake and, more importantly, thinking of Jody again. I hadn’t seen him since the night of the twisted ankle, but there had been no phone call canceling our session, so I assumed that everything must be okay.
    I rolled over again, hugging the body pillow, pressing against the soft fabric and humping it slowly, imagining Jody’s ass underneath me. I had no idea what that would feel like, but I could only imagine that it would be good. Everything about Jody seemed so right. It was getting harder and harder to push the images away, especially when we were together.
    The more I got to know him, the more I was drawn to his quiet confidence. He was so easy to talk to, fun to be around. He wasn’t high maintenance like a lot of people I knew; it was effortless and so good. I think the best part about him was that he knew nothing about football. I felt that he actually saw me, Clark Stevens, regular guy.
    I PULLED into the driveway at Jody’s house and killed the engine. He’d probably be pissed at me ’cause I hadn’t done my homework. I couldn’t get past chapter seven for some reason. It was probably because I had a lot more on my mind than Shangri-La. The urge to tell Jody what I felt distracted me to no end. I couldn’t get it out of my head, and I wondered if today I would finally have the guts to say something.
    I got out of the car just as he opened the front door. He stood there with a big grin on his face, wearing the black biker shorts with a white tank top this time. I was surprised again by his well-developed chest and arms. He had the physique of a gymnast, and the golden tan only enhanced his looks. It was hard not to stare, so I focused my attention on the elastic bandage wrapped around his ankle.
    “You’re standing on your foot. That’s a good sign?”
    “No Lil?”
    “Nah, he’s gone back to the city.”
    “Well, that’s a relief.”
    “I know,” I said, throwing up my arm in a mock stop sign. “He’s a great guy.”
    “He is.”
    “He’s also outrageous!”
    “That too.” Jody laughed.
    “I can’t believe he’s your best friend,” I said, standing in front of him. He looked up at me with those Tootsie Roll eyes and smirked, bringing forth that dimple that made him look so fucking cute.
    “You got a problem with it, Mister?”
    “And what if I do?” I said, moving my face that much closer.
    “I may have to discipline you.”
    “You think so?”
    I picked him up and threw him over my

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