
Free DoubleTeamHer by Titania Ladley

Book: DoubleTeamHer by Titania Ladley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Titania Ladley
alternated with banging on wood.
    The sound of the door being yanked open had me perking my
ears to hear what came next. I glanced at the closed bathroom door but Giovanna
continued to primp and hum. Water splashed and perfume wafted into the bedroom.
    Frank said in a foul mood, “What the hell are you two doing
    My stomach tightened with dread. I waited a few moments as
low voices drifted through the apartment but Gio remained in the bathroom.
    I couldn’t wait for her any longer. I had to see what was
going on. So I wrapped myself in Frank’s robe and darted into the living room.
The scent of his cologne teased my senses but the pleasantness of it faded when
I saw him handcuffed.
    I skidded to a halt. “Frank… Babe, what’s going on? Why are
    A striking blonde woman stood next to Frank, holding his
arm. Her gaze snapped to me. Apparently she hadn’t known I was here with Frank.
Which meant she didn’t know Gio was here either.
    “This is none of your business.” She held up her hand,
glared at me and curled her upper lip. She inspected me up and down with
loathing. “Step back, babe . Or wait. Make that stripper whore.”
    I gaped and slapped a hand over my mouth. The shock of this
strange woman’s sudden attack stunned me, as did her reference to my job.
Speechless, I perused her face. It amazed me how her snarling lips and piercing
brown eyes did not detract from her attractiveness.
    Hold on… Faint familiarity nagged at me. Where had I seen
her before?
    “Dammit, Leah.” Frank glowered at the woman, his words laced
by a growl. “Why do you have to be such a bitch about it? Have some respect.
She’s my ex-wife.”
    Leah? So he knew her?
    A tall, handsome man with sandy-blond hair fisted Frank’s
t-shirt in his hand and slammed him against the wall. “Don’t you ever call my wife a bitch again or I’ll kill you, you bastard.”
    Frank’s flaring nostrils were accompanied by a hollow laugh.
“Kill me, Ned? When the three of us had a hot affair that you thoroughly
enjoyed? I think you busting into my home and handcuffing me without an
explanation—or without reading me my rights—is a bit hypocritical.”
    “You have the right to remain silent, you mother fucker.
Anything you say can and will be used against you. Blah, blah, blah.”
    Frank sighed. “For what do I have that right?”
    “Lewd conduct,” Ned said with a revolting chuckle.
    “ What? Lewd conduct?” I blurted.
    “Lewd conduct?” Frank echoed. “That’s bullshit and you know
    Ned shoved his reddened face into Frank’s, no more than an
inch from him. “Fuck you.”
    Frank snorted. “Uh-huh. That’s exactly what the two of us
did to her during our affair. It definitely qualified as lewd. But that was at
her insistence and yours. Now look at us. This is outrageous and
    My jaw dropped. Frank had had a threesome with these two?
How could that be considered lewd conduct? And if Leah had participated in this
threesome how could she arrest him and not get arrested herself?
    The image of these three making love together caused that
vague feeling of envy to tug at my heart. I’d experienced that same emotion
when Gio and Frank and I had made love, when I’d noticed the attention he’d
given Gio over me. But as I had before, I shoved the jealousy aside. I wanted
all the details prior to making any judgments. I needed to know what this
bizarre turn of events consisted of.
    The Ned guy growled and heaved Frank into the wall again.
“You asshole. I wish we’d never—”
    “Stop it,” I said, rushing forward. “Leave him alone .”
    “Ned. As much as I hate to admit it, she’s right. Let him
go. Frank has a point, several in fact.” Leah’s gaze shifted to me although she
didn’t turn her head to look at me straight on. “Sorry, Jazmine. About the
whore comment.”
    Her tone sounded far from apologetic. More like resentment,
and I had no clue where this animosity came

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