Scent of the Heart

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Book: Scent of the Heart by Parker Williams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Parker Williams
Tags: Romance, Gay, Paranormal, alpha male, Shifter, skunk
wouldn’t have had anything to do with them. He used to say such venomous things—”
    “Like you just did?” Jake asked, a deadly serious tone in his voice. “My guardians practically raised you. You lived more at my house than you did at home. Do you really care what that bigot thought?”
    Panic bubbled inside Casey. The words weren’t coming out like he meant them. He could sense Jake’s sadness was mixed with anger.
    “He was…is my dad.”
    “Who you haven’t seen for six months. Do you want to go home? Is that what this is about? I’m sure we can get you back to your family.”
    Casey sneered at him. “This is my family.”
    “Then damn well act like it. I don’t have time to coddle you. Zak thinks something is wrong, and I agree with him. I can taste it on the winds. If you’re not going to help, you’re going to be a distraction we can’t afford.”
    The hard edge to Jake’s voice cut through Casey. “What are you saying?”
    “Face your demons or go home. It’s as simple as that. I’m going to ask you to leave my house now. I don’t think I want to be around you today.”
    Numbness slashed through Casey. In all the years they’d been friends, he had never known Jake to be this angry, and it was worse because it was his fault. When Jake pushed away from the table and stalked out the door, Casey had to force himself not to trail after his best friend to beg his forgiveness. He got up, ignoring the gazes of the servants, and ambled toward home.
    Nearly a week had passed, and Sev slowly slipped back into his sadness. His mate seemed determined not to speak with him. Sev couldn’t figure out what he’d done wrong. He thought they had gotten along, and that Casey understood what being a mate meant. Now he wasn’t so certain.
    He’d seen Casey in his garden plucking herbs. He seemed to be muttering to himself. Sev approached the gate and waited, hoping Casey would notice him. When he finally turned and saw Sev, he quickly looked away.
    “Hey, Sev. Sorry I haven’t been around. It’s been a really busy time for me.”
    “Have I done something, Casey?”
    “What? No, of course not. Why would you think that? I’m just really busy.”
    “Very well. I’m sorry if I’ve bothered you.”
    He spun from the gate, praying Casey would speak up and call him back, but when the words went unspoken, Sev opted to go home.
    His brothers were cleaning out the hut, seeing as how the temperature was actually mild. Mikhail glanced up and smiled, then his face fell.
    “Sev? What’s wrong?”
    Sev wiped a hand over his eyes, not wanting to upset his brothers. “Nothing. Probably just the dust. How about if I help you?”
    He grabbed a broom and began to sweep the dusty wooden floor.
    Mikhail turned to Vadim. “Can you go see if Mrs. Havanec will allow you to trade weeding her garden for a jar of fish? Tell her I will be over first thing if she’ll agree.”
    Sev laughed as his youngest brother took off quickly. Vadim enjoyed Mrs. Havanec’s fish as much as Sev did.
    “What happened?”
    “I told you, nothing. Why? What do you think happened?”
    “I think he broke your heart.” Sev tried to laugh it off, but Mikhail picked up on the hitch in his breath. “He did. I would be honored to duel him.”
    Sev waved his hands. “Oh, no. Not necessary. This is something Casey has to figure out on his own. And you know dueling went out with Elizar.”
    “Well, sometimes even bad people might make up a good rule. I don’t like to see you hurting. Can you tell me what happened?”
    “I wish I knew. I spent the night with him last week, and I thought everything was okay. I even told him…” Sev couldn’t finish the sentence.
    “That you love him,” Mikhail ground out.
    Sev was afraid to speak, so simply nodded.
    “I don’t understand. What’s the problem?”
    “I don’t think he loves me,” Sev whispered.
    “He’s your mate. Of course he loves you. We’re all taught that love between

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