Scent of the Heart

Free Scent of the Heart by Parker Williams

Book: Scent of the Heart by Parker Williams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Parker Williams
Tags: Romance, Gay, Paranormal, alpha male, Shifter, skunk
    Mikhail shifted his eyes down. “He’s my best friend. When I talked about leaving the enclave, I wanted him to go with me, as Casey did with our Protector. I knew if I went alone, I would become lonesome without you and Vadim. Except Tiam didn’t want to go. He said he’s content here, that despite the things Kell told us, he preferred our way of life.”
    “And you?”
    “I’m not sure. I enjoy the enclave, but the world outside is so large, and I would like to see it. Does that make me a bad brother?”
    Sev laughed. “No, of course not. I’ll let you in on a secret.” He got closer to Mikhail and whispered in his ear, “I, too, am curious. Perhaps if our Alpha allows it, Casey could show us a city one day. You’ll soon be old enough to decide what you’d like to do, and you would have my blessing, whichever path you take.”
    Mikhail’s eyes widened, and he hurled himself at Sev again, grabbing him in a bone-crushing hug. “Thank you.”
    “You’re my brother and I want nothing more than to see you happy. What else can I do?”
    Casey hurried to the Alpha’s quarters with his herb bag when he was told Jake needed to see him. One of the servants ushered him in immediately. He still marveled over the fact that his friends had servants. Zak had been appalled when he found out, but as he discovered that the people wanted to be there, he grudgingly learned to accept the custom. He never asked for much, and sometimes the servants seemed uncertain what to do, as they were used to having the direction.
    Still, they were happy. Elizar had treated them horribly, having no problem with sending them to fight in the pit for any infraction, real or imagined. Now, with Zak in charge, they actually smiled and greeted people while looking them in the eye.
    Casey found Jake seated at the long meeting table, a sly smile on his face. He gestured for Casey to sit. The chair was quite comfortable, much like all the furniture made in the enclave.
    After he was seated, Jake pushed a small package across the table, wrapped in a pretty parchment. Casey guessed Jake must have spoken with Leander, who created his own paper. He cautiously took the package from Jake, noting the fact his friend was trying hard to keep a straight face.
    “What is it?” Casey asked, wary of anything that Jake gave him.
    “A mating gift. It’s not every day that my best friend finds himself someone to have in his life.”
    “Who told you?” Casey asked, unable to meet Jake’s eyes. He continued to examine the small brown item he held in his hands.
    “It’s a small place. Word gets around. Open it,” Jake prodded.
    Trembling fingers worked on the jute tie. When he got the wrap off, making sure to save the paper to give back to Leander, Casey found a small, brightly colored clay pot. It seemed most familiar to him.
    “Isn’t this the one I gave you for Zak’s—”
    Jake howled with laughter. “We thought you might be able to use that.”
    “It’s not funny,” Casey growled.
    "You know, I always thought you had that lustful look when we were in the showers."
    "Don't ever say that," Casey snapped, glancing around.
    "Yeah, and back at school when you said you didn't want to live with me, I assumed it was because you needed space. Now I have to wonder if it really had something to do with Connor. Did he keep you up at night?"
    Casey threw the container at Jake, who plucked it from the air.
    “What the fuck is wrong with you?” Jake asked hotly, finally catching on to Casey’s irritation.
    “This is all some big joke to you, isn’t it? I’m not gay.”
    “You’re mated to a man. What do you think that makes you?”
    Forcing himself not to take the bait, Casey bit his tongue.
    “You’re serious, aren’t you? Dude, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you mad.”
    Casey lifted his shoulders. “I’m not mad at you. I’m mad at me. Sev told me he loved me.”
    “And that’s bad because?”
    “I couldn’t say

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