ROMANCE: MENAGE ROMANCE: Tapped and Taken by Two (Pregnancy Sports MMA UFC Fighter Romance) (Alpha Male Romance)

Free ROMANCE: MENAGE ROMANCE: Tapped and Taken by Two (Pregnancy Sports MMA UFC Fighter Romance) (Alpha Male Romance) by Maxi MacNair

Book: ROMANCE: MENAGE ROMANCE: Tapped and Taken by Two (Pregnancy Sports MMA UFC Fighter Romance) (Alpha Male Romance) by Maxi MacNair Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maxi MacNair
Kylie picked up the phone to call Max, then set it down. He’d probably be at the gym, and if not there, at the bar around the corner. She thought about calling Trisha, but knew she needed to get this hard part over with first. She also didn’t know if she wanted to tell Trisha right now.
    She called to Rosie, got her in the Jeep Wrangler, and headed for Ultimate. Big, burly Ferran at the check in desk saw her jeans and purse, her lack of work out bag, and frowned at her. “What’s going on? Where’s your gear?”
    She laughed. “Just looking for Max.”
    “He should be about done. He headed into the locker room. You can grab him when he comes out.”
    “Cool thanks.” Kylie took a seat on the leather couch in the lobby not knowing if Ferran could pick up on the nerves she was feeling.
    Max came out on his phone, an animated conversation with someone. Did she dare stop him? She had to…
    They’d talked a lot, trained together a lot since what she referred to in her head as “That Night”. They hadn’t really directly addressed it, though. The only thing they ever said was on the first day they saw each other afterwards. Max looked completely awkward and Kylie simply put him out of his misery by saying “No regrets here,” which gave him a wave of relief and he returned the comment.
    “Yup, no complaints here either.”
    Things were noticeably different between Jason and Max though. The two of them seemed more stern and focused when in the gym together where usually they would be joking around with each other. When Kylie finally managed to get over her hangover and head back to the Yacht Club for a drink over a week later, Jason and Max were both there, but not at the same table, and Kylie never saw them say anything to each other the whole time she was there. Kylie never actually could find a way to tell Trisha what happened that night and when she asked about what was up with Jason and Max Kylie just suggested maybe they were getting ready for the tournament and focusing extra hard for that. Trisha didn’t even seem to remember the last bit about that night a week before.
    Kylie did feel a little bit bad for what was happening, and for not being able to tell Trisha, but she thought it was for the best since she didn’t know how people would react to the story. How people would treat her or Max and Jason if they knew. It was also none of their business. Kylie still had no regrets though. Not during or after, not when she saw the pregnancy test. Having to talk to the guys about the situation though was not something Kylie was excited about though.
    Max waved when he saw her, but when she stood and took a few steps towards him, he gave her a “just a sec” gesture and wrapped up his call in the corner.
    “Kylie, you just missed me. I’m done for the day.”
    “No worries. I’m not here to train. You have a sec to talk?” She meant her voice to sound light, but she could tell from the way his eyes clouded she hadn’t achieved her goal.
    “Sure thing, babe.”
    He followed her outside into the sun. She stood where she could pet Rosie’s head as the dog leaned out the car window.
    She didn’t know how to say it, so she figured she’d spit it out. “I’m pregnant.”
    Max recoiled like she’d slapped him. He took a step back, and let his gym bag slip out of his hand and land by his feet.
    “It was just the one time. I don’t even know…have you talked to Jason?”
    “I talked to you first.”
    Because I know you better and I’m more comfortable with you, she wanted to say, but the sharpness in his tone made her bite her tongue. “Because I don’t know Jason as well. I figured I’d start here. I don’t know, I found you first I guess.”
    “What are you going to do?”
    She knew he meant abortion. It was a reasonable question.
    “Keep it. I’ve thought about this for a while, it’s something I want. I mean, I didn’t quite expect this much ambiguity…” she tried to make

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