The Twelve Dates of Christmas

Free The Twelve Dates of Christmas by Catherine Hapka

Book: The Twelve Dates of Christmas by Catherine Hapka Read Free Book Online
Authors: Catherine Hapka
Allie’s long line of theories. But for once, I wasn’t in the mood to pick it apart bit by unscientific bit.
    â€œTwo dates, twelve dates—it doesn’t matter,” I told her, shoving my coffee away. “I mean, this is what I wanted—Cam happy with someone else and me free to move on into the future without worrying about him. I just had a moment of weakness, that’s all. You know, because of seeing them together like that. I’ll just have to suck it up and get used to it.”
    Allie looked disappointed. “Wait, but I thought you said you weren’t sure this wasthe right thing anymore. You should always go with your instincts.”
    â€œMy instincts tell me to use my brain,” I said. “And my brain has been telling me for months that I have to figure out a way to solve the problem of me and Cam before it’s too late and we end up like Nick and Rachel.”
    â€œThat would never happen to you guys,” she insisted. “It only happened to them because of Rachel deciding she didn’t want to bother with a long-distance relationship.”
    I stared at her, suddenly feeling as if we were speaking different languages. Specifically, I was speaking Logic and she was, as usual, fluent in Ridiculously Impractical Emotion. How many times did I have to point out the facts to her? It felt as if I were trying to convince her that two trains heading in opposite directions were totally safe, while she kept insisting hysterically that they were sure to crash into each other at any moment.
    Thinking about that made me feel a little more settled. I was just going to have to get a handle on my emotions for a while—just until I got used to the newworld order. Seeing Cam with Jaylene would get easier with time and exposure. It had to.
    â€œThanks for talking it through with me,” I told Allie, sitting back in my seat. “I think I’m back on track now. Even your Dozen Dates Theory helped.”
    â€œReally?” She looked hopeful. “You mean it helped you see that you’ve got to get back together with Cam before it’s too late?”
    I shook my head. “I mean it helped me see that I only have to wait them out for, like, nine more dates before I can stop worrying about Cam. You know, if we count that banquet and the concert as their first two dates, and then the movie as number three.”
    She looked disappointed. “But—”
    â€œSo!” I interrupted brightly, deciding we could both benefit from a change of subject. “Any progress on your own love life lately? Sorry I’ve been so wrapped up in my own thing that I haven’t asked.”
    â€œIt’s okay. And not really.” She glanced at her watch. “But listen, let’s talk about that later, all right? I’d better head back now.”
    I walked Allie back to work, then browsed through the department store for afew minutes looking for gift ideas for my family. But I couldn’t seem to focus on the cases and shelves full of jewelry and clothes and perfume and everything else under the sun. Finally I gave it up and headed back toward the mall.
    I was still deep in thought as I stepped out of the hushed, tasteful interior of the department store back into the din of hurrying feet, screaming kids, and the Muzak version of “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus.” It was a moment before my ears adjusted and I realized that someone was calling my name.
    To my surprise, it was Andrew Cole. He had just stepped out of Radio Shack holding a shopping bag. His polished leather loafers squeaked on the tile floor as he hurried toward me.
    â€œLexi, hi,” he said, straightening the collar of his long-sleeved polo. “Doing a little shopping?”
    â€œSomething like that.” I tried to remember the last time Andrew and I had spoken to each other. Despite having been in most of the same classes for the past twelve years, we weren’t

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