Seven Dates: A Different Kind of Hotwife

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Book: Seven Dates: A Different Kind of Hotwife by Ben Boswell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ben Boswell
from the moment she’d fished his cock out of his pants until he shivered and came inside my wife.
    He withdrew his slimy cock. Her pussy gleamed wet and pink, taking a moment to close up after being thoroughly stretched by him.
    “That was amazing,” he said.
    “Yeah,” she replied with a little less conviction.
    “Look, let’s do this again some time, um, more convenient.” He tucked his cock back into his pants, and straightened his suit jacket. “Give me a few minutes and then come upstairs.”
    She nodded. He gave her an awkward kiss and then was gone.
    “Jerk,” she spat in his direction. “They’re all jerks.”
    Ouch . I knew she was lumping me in with him in that comment. Of course, she had a point. I’d set this one up.
    But it was no time for self-reflection. I had shit to do. Once Joanie left, I crept out of my hiding spot and took the back stairs back up to the main level.
    I spotted Donald. He gave me a shit-eating grin from across the room. I just fucked your wife . But his grin disappeared as I strode toward him. I could see first surprise and then fear come across his face. Could I know already? He looked around the room. He knew he couldn’t run, so I think he was trying to calculate whether I’d be likely to get violent in front of all these people.
    “Kellen,” he said warily.
    “Donald, we need to talk.”
    He shook his head.
    “Now,” I insisted.
    “Leave me alone,” he replied.
    “You don’t want to have this conversation in public. Trust me on that. Anyway, it’ll be quick, and then you can go back to complaining about the moochers with your country club friends.”
    I strode away, knowing he’d follow. I walked into his den and pulled the door shut behind us.
    “What do you want?”
    “Your signature. On this contract.”
    I pulled out the document assigning me the proceeds from the third-party allocations. He smirked when he realized what it was. So this wasn’t about Joanie after all.
    “Did you bring the $500,000 in cash? You know I can’t accept a check.”
    I laughed. “No. No cash. Twenty-eighty split. Three years hold back on my bonuses.”
    “Kellen,” he said, “even you can’t be dumb enough to think you can make this work on twenty.”
    “Oh, the twenty is for you. I get the eighty.”
    He laughed. “And I’m supposed to sign that in return for, in all likelihood, bonuses you’ll never earn?”
    “No, you’re going to sign it in return for me not telling everyone in the world that you fucked my wife.”
    He hesitated, thinking through the options. “I don’t know what she told you --“
    Ah, denial. “I could drag this out, but I won’t. I filmed it. Just now. Downstairs. Want to watch? It won’t take long.”
    He blushed a little, but then went back on the offense. “You want to tell people your wife is a whore? That you’re a cuckold?”
    I shrugged. “Marriages go through rough spots. But you…. How will that go over with your boy out there, family values Bryce? And what about your wife? I doubt somehow you two have an open relationship. Not to mention that I suspect the senior partners will take a dim view of you fucking your subordinate’s wife.”
    “You’re bluffing.”
    I laughed. “Dude. I watched you fuck my wife and did nothing about it. You sure you want to assume I won’t go through with this?”
    He was still on the fence.
    “Anyway,” I continued, “you know this is a dog, right? I mean, the assignment is worth nothing. You’re offloading the risk and still getting twenty percent of the profits.”
    “Fifty,” he shot back.
    “No, that ship sailed when you put your dick in my wife. Twenty. Sign and let me get the fuck out of here.”
    He chuckled. “Fine,” he said with a snarl. “Even if you can unfuck this deal, you still can’t unfuck your wife.”
    I shrugged and handed him the papers. He signed and thrust them back at me. “Get out of my face, Kellen.”
    I saluted. “Yes, boss.”
    I left his den and

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