Touch of Love

Free Touch of Love by Ellen Wolf

Book: Touch of Love by Ellen Wolf Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ellen Wolf
behind his innocent question, as if he knew something he wasn’t sharing. ‘Let me guess, it was a spontaneous decision to forget your flighty fiancé?’
    Does he really think I’m that desperate?
    ‘No, actually Jake asked me to come before that even happened. Insisted on it, really.’ She was stretching the truth a bit, but she figured it was unlikely he would ask Jake for confirmation. And Jake had wanted her to come.
    ‘We were friends in high school ,’ she added for good measure after his devilish smile made her mad. ‘I think he had a crush on me back then, if you have to know…’
    ‘I stand corrected .’ Adam nodded. The corners of his mouth twitched, belying his meekness. ‘It’s just that he didn’t mention bringing anyone…’
    ‘Not everyone needs to advertise themselves on the front page, you know?’ She set her empty wine glass back on the table, her clumsy fingers almost dropping it on the stone-flagged patio. ‘Jake is very private. You must know that. Plus, we’re just friends.’ His opinion of the fairer sex was rather dismal as far as she could tell. Well, his recent experiences did justify it just a bit. But she was offended that he would think she would pursue a new love interest so soon after calling off her wedding.
    ‘If you need to know, he worries about you .’ The saying in vino veritas hit the nail on the head. The glass of ruby red Bordeaux had definitely made her braver. ‘I’m here as a shield, to deflect some of the unwanted attention you might otherwise get. Jake’s idea, not mine.’
    ‘So it’s all for me?’
    She realized she should have formulated her thought better. He obviously wasn’t happy to find out that his stepbrother was trying to protect him. Brotherly rivalry or something more?
    ‘ Your appearance on my famous brother’s arm will be enough to get me safely through the weekend? He is even more generous than I thought.’
    ‘ Call it what you want.’ She shrugged, relieved to see Jake finally finish the conversation on the phone. ‘Still, don’t give him a hard time about it, please. He meant it well, and it’s just my stupid blabbering that makes it sound so awkward.’
    ‘You really do care about him, don’t you?’ He watched her with a mix of interest and sympathy that was uncomfortably close to pity. She hated pity.
    ‘Of course .’ Her answer came brusquer than she’d intended. ‘Why shouldn’t I? He is sweet, good-looking, and fun to be with. I’m back on the market, remember?’
    He had no right to look at her with the expression she usually associated with people watching puppies or kittens in the window of the pet store.
    ‘I will remember it.’
    Why did it sound like a warning? She had the uneasy feeling that he somehow disapproved of her friendship with Jake. Why?
    ‘You look very lovely in that dress,’ he added after a moment of awkward silence. ‘Not that you didn’t look lovely the last time I saw you.’
    Am I supposed to answer that? She didn’t think so. He was being polite, nothing else.
    ‘Hey , guys. Sorry that took so long,’ Jake put an end to her divagations, his voice soothing her frazzled nerves like a security blanket.
    ‘Everything all right , bro?’
    Surprised, she looked up at Adam . For a guy who was so obviously annoyed with Jake only seconds ago, he sounded genuinely concerned.
    ‘ Yeah, all is good.’ Jake took the seat next to her, the light scent of his aftershave reaching her sensitive nostrils. She sniffed appreciatively at the blend of sea, fresh air, and pine needles. For a second, she wondered what Adam smelled like but banished the thought instantly. Who cares about anything Adam Scott does, or how he smells, anyway?
    ‘How about a grand tour of the house?’ Jake turned to her, his blue eyes inviting. ‘ It’s bigger than it looks like from the outside.’
    He’s got to be kidding. The house looked humongous when she’d first seen it from the car. Plus, their short climb to

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