Unbreakable Hearts (Broken Series #3)

Free Unbreakable Hearts (Broken Series #3) by Amanda Bennett

Book: Unbreakable Hearts (Broken Series #3) by Amanda Bennett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Bennett
anything; Ryan had prepared a special menu for us in honor
of Daniel's birth and what was about to happen tonight. Hannah was completely
oblivious to what was about to happen and Theo looked as though he was going to
throw up at any moment. I nonchalantly leaned near him to ask if he was okay.
think so. Dude, were you this
a little." I laughed. "You'll be okay. It's the build up and
anticipation that's the worst."
the fear of rejection." He let out a nervous chuckle.
grabbed Theo by the shoulder, trying to reassure him. "Dude, you'll be
fine and there's no way she's going to say no."
hope you're right."
    A few
minutes later, Ryan was bringing out dessert. He knew what Theo was about to
do, so he quickly retreated back into the kitchen. He knew how nervous Theo
was, and he didn't want to make the audience any bigger than it already was.
are you okay?" Concern laced Hannah's every word. "You look like
you're going to be sick."
turned towards Hannah, clutching onto her hands for support. "Hannah,
never in a million years did I think I would find someone as amazing as you.
You keep me on my toes and make me feel more loved then I ever thought
possible. You're one in a million and I count myself lucky to have even met
you. Now that you are going to be the mother to my unborn child, I would
lik-" He slid off of the chair and sank down to one knee. Bennett gasped
as she covered her mouth in surprise. I may have forgotten to tell her about
this part.
will you marry me?"
and I looked at one another in anticipation of Hannah's answer. Although we
both probably thought Hannah would never say no, it was starting to look like
that might be exactly what she was going to say. I watched as Bennett leaned in
towards Hannah to ask her something, but Hannah held her hand up as a stray
tear started to roll down her face.
you only asking because we are having a baby?" Her voice was barely above
a whisper, but Bennett and I heard her loud and clear.
course not, Hannah. That just made me want to marry you even more than before.
I was going to ask you before I even found out."
I can vouch for that one." I chimed in.
my answer is, yes. Yes Theo, I will marry you."
entire restaurant erupted in cheers and applause for the happily and newly
engaged couple. I could see the tears falling down Bennett's cheek as Theo picked
up Hannah and twirled her around the room. I pulled my wife into my side and
gently wiped her tears away.

my god, I can't believe you are
engaged. Let me see that ring. Oh Hannah, it's perfect." I wrapped my arms
around Hannah's neck and gave her a small squeeze. "I'm so happy for
    I could
see the blush creeping up Hannah's neck. "I can't believe he actually wants to marry me."
honey, why wouldn't he want to?"
don't know. I guess my mom just always made me feel like I would never be good
enough for anyone to want to spend a lifetime with me."
you know that's not true. Let's face it, ninety percent of the time, your mom
barely knew what was going on."
know, but after hearing it so many times, you start to believe it. I'm happy
though, so happy."
grabbed some toilet paper out of the stall and wiped the mascara stained tears
from her cheeks. "Hannah, you deserve this. You deserve to be happy."
grabbed my hand and held it close to her heart, "Bennett, thank you for
everything. You have been an amazing friend over the years. Even when I didn't
deserve your friendship, you were still there. I love you."
love you too, Han." I hugged her tight and then pulled back to check her
makeup for her one last time. "Now let's go out there and celebrate."
    As we
made our way back out to the table, Ryan stood and pulled Hannah into a deep
hug. I knew just like Gray and I, that he was happy for her. I don't think I
would ever understand how their friendship had

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