Unbreakable Hearts (Broken Series #3)

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Book: Unbreakable Hearts (Broken Series #3) by Amanda Bennett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Bennett
best. Hannah and Theo married shortly after
getting engaged. She didn't want to wait until after the baby was born and who
could blame her. After she had accepted that she was going to be a mother and a
wife, she wanted to do it all at once. She had embraced motherhood just like I
knew she would.
Anne was born four months after and she was just as beautiful as her mother.
With dark hair and porcelain skin, she was almost an exact replica, at least in
my eyes. The minute that little girl was born, Theo had the same look as Gray
when Charlie was born. That little girl had him instantly wrapped around her
little finger, and he loved every second of it. Theo was amazing with Riley,
and with Hannah. The two people, who didn't want to be parents, ended up being
the most loving and nurturing parents I had ever met. Fatherhood suited him and
I was pretty sure they were busy working on baby number two.
and Sarah were still engaged, but had yet to marry. Although we all think they
secretly wed when they went to Hawaii a few months back. Those two were a
welcome addition to our little circle of friends, and they were going to make
great parents, someday.
walked out onto the back porch and set the food and drinks on the table. Hannah
and Sarah were in a deep conversation about something or another, but I didn't
want to jump in, so I sat back and took in the sight of my husband tending to
our kids. There wasn't a day that went by that I didn't tell Gray how much I
loved him, or how much I appreciated him. Throughout all of the good and the
bad since the day I met him, he was the one man who stayed by my side. He never
judged me or made me feel ashamed of what had happened with Raylon and for that
I would forever be thankful.
turned and caught me staring and my cheeks flushed with desire. With just one
look that man could have my insides turned upside down, and I loved it. He
smiled a knowing smile and I happily returned his look of contentment. I
pointed in the direction of the house, wanting to steal a few seconds with him,
but he simply laughed and shook his head. Oh he was going to get it later that
was for sure.
    I stood
and made my way over to Gray, who was waiting with open arms. I wrapped my arms
around his waist and took in all the happiness around us. I felt him kiss the
top of my head before continuing his conversation with Ryan and Theo. I could
feel the tears welling up behind my eyes as I watched my kids playing without a
care in the world. If they only knew what we had been through
to get to this point. That was the best thing about kids, they were
oblivious to the bad things around them and saw nothing but the good. There
used to be days when I wish I could've been a child again, just to feel that
type of joy.
you change anything?" Gray's voice broke through my revelry and I smiled
up at him.
in a million years."
hands cupped my face as his lips melted into mine. My eyes fluttered shut,
leaving nothing but him and me in that moment. When he pulled back, he tucked
me underneath his arms, and held me there. There really was nothing I would
change. I was who I was because of the people I had met and the things we had
been through. I went from a broken girl to a neatly mended mother and wife. I
was whole again, but in a new way. And if anything ever tried to break me
again, I had my husband and kids to stand by my side and give me the strength I
would need to get through it. I looked up at the clear blue sky knowing that
our parents were looking down on us, and I knew they would be proud. Although I
missed them dearly, they were always here guiding us along the way. I could
feel it, and I knew at that moment Gray could as well.
    He gave
me a gentle squeeze and leaned down near my ear, "I miss them too."
    A small
tear escaped, but I quickly swiped it away with my finger before anyone would
notice. "I love you, Gray."
love you too, Button."
you for fixing me." I

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